
@VincentGrey: The MMO's of the 1970's were so lame that not even depressed widows could get addicted to them, that's why it's happening more often.

@Mokona: For a second there I was going to reply that this wasn't what I was looking for, but then I remembered the first time I was able to drunkenly mash my way through Jordan on Hard - EXACTLY that feeling of accomplishment I was thinking of. Good call.

This is nice and all, but you really can't try to pit technology against stupidity like this attempts to do. If someone's dumb enough to consistently hit Reply All when they're CC'd on an email, they're going to ruin your day one way or another regardless of whether you can corral them in with your own email settings.

"The seat ... is like a saddle. Cowboys ride eight hours on their horses during the day and still feel comfortable in the saddle."

Question, Kotakuites! What's your favorite "hard" game? I don't mean games that just randomly cheapshot you to death sometimes, I mean well-balanced games designed to be difficult that leave you with a sense of satisfaction when you complete each section - not a sense of relief that you're done with a frustrating

@Burguois, Teabagger of Olde: Hi, My name is Burguois, I don't understand this joke, allow me to show you how I misinterpret everything as literally as possible. Here, let me quote Wikipedia to debunk this humor website, here.

@GnatB: yes this list is very serious you get the point very well congratulations

Activision doesn't understand PC gamers. PC gamers don't understand that 99.9% of the market, right or not, doesn't give two shits about this issue and it's not cost-effective to implement. Some catch-22 we've got going here, really.

@Takeshi Kovacs: The posts were only a minute apart, it was weird. Possible the comments system ate it, though.

@Omega76: You do realize there's an edit button now, right?

@Piata: I would assume (maybe hope is a better word) that it works like a lot of games do - if you're at full health and you run over the orb, it won't pick it up for your character. Of course, it doesn't stop you from ganking one from a teammate when you're at 99%, but....well, at some point you've got to ask

@bobdowns: Then you respond in kind, with a swift kick to the face. (I hate this too, "I could care less" is one of my major pet peeves).

@pseudocubes: Don't try this! The very fabric of reality might not be up to the task!

@iiqulo: Why would it be a "lame" shadow? Rock Band is made by Harmonix - you know, the guys who created the games you mentioned in the first place.

All it needs is a P.O.D. tie-in and it could be Amplitude....damn underrated PS2 game.

@unknownsock: Trying this when I get home, thanks.

I must be one of like four people in the world who doesn't 'get' Carcassonne. It's clearly one of those games that's just deceptively simple and offers some deeper strategies if you throw yourself into it, but personally I can't see it as anything but the simplistic facade it presents. It seems the other players can