
Ohmigodthisissoamazinggiveitto.... This is the game I have been dreaming about since I was a kid.

@Andrew Wyatt: Uh....hasn't this been announced for PSN and XBLA since....well, since it came out? Are you confusing it with the Mega Man MMO?

@Rashek: Despite being awesome games, the first two Fallouts suffer from a lot of really piss-poor design philosophy. This will make the early game pretty painful until you get a firm grasp of every option available to you.

@Culebra: It would've been an even graver sin to play on another gamer's save file - it's like sleeping with someone's wife, dude. And not playing the game at all isn't an option, either - they're meant to be played. You did the only logical thing.

@neonKow: I don't think it is, in this case - the hallway is right inside a building that you jump a fair way down to, and while the hallway itself has a small fork in it the fork is a dead-end.

God, I love Mirror's Edge in theory, but I can't get past the second level - I get to the part where you run into a hallway and three guys burst through the door at the other end, and then I'm stuck. I played the demo/tutorial/first level like two years ago now, and have since completely forgotten how combat is

@WomboMyCombo: So why would you prefer to spend more of it just to play the game? That's what I asked. Most people like money and prefer not giving it away.

@Batman: Right on (except jeez, why are rune pages so expensive?)

@roomba001: You're right, it doesn't "have" to happen - and since they said it won't then who cares? We'll see when it's released.

@pkt-zer0: Which games are you playing where spending real-world money gets you some kind of massive advantage in game (excepting something like an XP boost that doesn't affect actual gameplay)? I'm curious.

@ianfayak: They can always offer different weapons for different playstyles, it happens all the time. Video games have been around for 40 years now, they're starting to understand this whole "balance" thing. It's possible the microtransactions might provide a slight edge, but there's no reason to assume they'll

@WomboMyCombo: Uh....why? You know you don't have to buy things if you don't want to, right?

Man, living in the future is cool.

@TRT-X: You've clearly never dated someone insane. Until you know the harpy-cry of an utterly controlling psychopath telling you to drop everything right now to go and cuddle with her - no, you CAN'T find a save point, no, it doesn't matter that you had lunch together less than two hours ago - you'll never

I actually had a professor in college that would supposedly measure letters in papers with a ruler if she thought they were padding with font sizes - your education money at work, of course. The trick to getting around it was to increase the font size of punctuation and spaces only. . .

@Stephen Totilo: First off, let me just say thanks a ton for providing a brief synopsis of the game for those of us stuck at work without video capabilities. It always sucks when an article is a tantalizing title and a couple cryptic lines followed by a video that I have to wait six hours to watch, if I even remember

@SparklyJesus: I would love to see this, could you find a link? (Also, nice username+post combo).

@Illundiel: Only if you get caught, though. There's also subtle "stealth" detector kits available.

The discounts on PS One titles would be cooler if they actually bothered releasing more of them stateside.

@FrancesTheMute: He's still a twat because he's following Snooki. Does that help?