
Who said she was driving, you stupid, silly mayor? I mean, not defending Snooki here, but what happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? What a twat.

Whoa, there's a version of Graal for the iPhone? Is it any good? Has anyone given it a shot?

So, after updating to iOS 4.1, I have the Gamecenter. Which does....what exactly, now? I have some games that are apparently Gamecenter-compatible already (Touchgrind shows up on the "featured" Gamecenter App store page), how do I import them into my list?

"an electrocuted third rail"

@BonkAtomicPunch: This is an elementary school. Nobody over 13. Stop being apologetic over this.

What the fuck Japan.

Is there a link to the published guidelines somewhere? And does this mean I can start dabbling in App development from a PC soon? Anyone able to recommend some tools?

@davidgreen360: Yeah, well, it sort of goes both ways - we have a word for the same part that's considered horribly, horribly rude in America (I'm not gonna type it out but it starts with a 'c', you know what I'm talking about) that is a really innocuous curse word in the UK.

@davidgreen360: Specifically, it's a very rude word for vagina pretty much every English speaking nation not in North America.

These are from a flash game from like five or six years ago where you play as a psychiatrist treating the animals - the snake had psychotropic drugs hidden in it's rattler and then got crushed, releasing all the drugs into it. That's about all I remember from it, although I think I beat each animals scenario....It

@Mokona: Guitar stands (or at least cheap gig stands) don't hold plastic guitars very well, in my experience. The cheap ones seem to rely a fair amount on the weight of the guitar for stability, tossing RB controllers in them just means they fall over all the time.

This is....damn, I was all prepared to come in here and make some smartass reply about how unnecessary these are, but seeing the pics makes me think having one would de-clutter my apartment nicely.

@frank0127: Someone, make this game now, please.

"My child can pursue Lu Bu."

@brijazz: Damnit, people are looking at me funny at work now. That was great.

@Tim the Enchanter: Yes, the whole "people treat things with faces like people" idea goes both ways. Since MS Word was an annoying, auto-formatting Hell in those days, Clippy just became the face of the program, and thus the scapegoat. It's a lot harder to feel enraged at a 32x32 icon than it is to be pissed off at

Pshaw, the government's had one of these bad boys in my head for over a decade, now. That's why I've got this stylin' aluminum foil hat, it keeps them from getting a completely accurate reading.

@d0minick: Hahaha, sure, right, nothing bad ever happens to good old honest people, right?

"the town's name didn't matter, and the word "gay" was offensive in any context."

@karoc: What else is it, if not self control? I've eaten super-sized McDonald's value meals in six or seven European countries, and - astoundingly enough - they have the Internet over there too these days! And video games! Even couches to sit on while enjoying those video games!