
@karoc: That might be true except it doesn't explain why America's obesity rates are so much higher than the rest of the world's, even with comparable technology levels. We suck at self control here.

@Xaif: Fair enough, though I'm 99.9% sure this game isn't actually using quantum probabilities, it's just using the idea of waveform collapse to randomize the piece layout at the beginning of the game.

@woshiernog: Your definition is right, but doesn't change the fact that the set of real numbers from 0 to 1 is not countably infinite.

Yes, let's blame Playstations and shopping malls for the fact that we're all fatasses that lack the self control necessary to stop shoveling junk food into our gullets. Sure. Right.

@Xaif: Yes, okay, but here we're talking about discrete game states. They're countable.

@MissMarlo: It's been mentioned several times here on Kotaku that review scores in Famitsu, particularly perfect scores, are probably more because that's what the fans of the series want you to see - like the Peace Walker thing you mentioned. I'm going to pick up the new Pokemon games, of course, but I think if

Teen spirit is a deoderant for girls, so....it doesn't smell too much like what you'd consider "rock". Snarky campaign failure.

This is one of the worst things about Windows. If I plug in an ethernet cable, it's because I want to be using the wired connection over any wireless ones - there are almost ZERO exceptions to this, and the exceptions that exist are all special cases.

@Zerorush: I watched that sometime last year, it was a weird combination of fascinating and horrific. Particularly that bit with the huge show in the empty stadium, everything about that just felt so wrong.

Do intelligence experts really believe Kim Jong Il is still alive? I mean...some of the Photoshop jobs coming out of his regime are really bad (people-without-shadows-hovering-in-midair bad, we're talking).

@QBasicGorilla: Jesus, that sucks. I can only imagine how horrifying getting into an accident on a motorcycle must be. What the hell is wrong with people?

@KAR120C: Really? Aer Lingus is a crappy airline for sure, but not Ryanair levels of awful...although on the other hand Ryanair has never stranded me overnight on another continent...hmm. This one might actually just be a wash.

@Jotsy: That doesn't really mean "uncountable" - if it did, a lot more would be considered uncountable, including the number of moves in standard chess (which exceed the estimated number of atoms in the entire universe by a few orders of magnitude).

Protip: be careful when you're piloting your personal vehicle, made of tons of metal and steel traveling at speeds up to 80mph, powered by a series of fucking explosions inside. Assholes who drive like jackasses should have their licenses removed a lot more quickly than they are in the system today - and that's

@Russell_Crowe86: Isn't it a remake of the original Playstation game? I actually got that on the PSN after really enjoying Tactics Advance and (to a MUCH greater extent) Tactics A2, but frankly I'm having trouble getting into the original. I know, I know, my gamer card is getting stamped with all kinds of demerits

@Ultraseamus: Oh yeah, I know they were trying to just give the number emphasis, but calling it "uncountable" is just too much of a stretch for me - the number of possibilities in normal chess is "uncountable" for people, but there still is a maximum number of legal board combinations. Quantum chess is no different,

@Xaif: Oh? Find a counterexample then, a number that you can't count to that's not infinite.

"The computer cannot possibly search all the possibilities because we can show there are an uncountable number of them."

So, this isn't explicitly videogame related, but I've come up with an Internet game. It's called "Everyone Online is Really Dumb and Racist and Makes Me Want To Kill Myself".