
@Diamond Sea: Oooh, I had completely forgotten about Half Minute Hero. Does the format ever get old, or does the game stay fresh?

So, I have Mega Man X: Maverick Hunter, Mega Man Powered Up, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Metal Gear Acid 2, and Persona for my PSP. What else is good out there? I don't really like God of War or Kingdom Hearts so those are out - is there a good Disgaea game for it? I played a friend's Disgaea DS game and really

@monkeyman423: Except Etrian Oddyssey isn't just hard on its own, it's an homage of the oldschool PC dungeon crawling RPGs of yore. If you're going that route, it isn't difficult to find a harder game within the same genre at all.

@cassiebearRAWR: Do you really think XBL verifies the cooling that your console uses before letting you online?

Anyone have the list of League of Legends free champs this week? Despite having the day off, my router decided it didn't want me playing online games yesterday, so I couldn't check myself, and now I'm stuck at work.

Chesty princess chesty prince, this isn't rocket science here.

@samuriwerewolf: Yeah, but a lot of it is Dragon Quest IX and Strange Journey and New Super Mario Bros. and Chinatown Wars. There's even decent FPS games for the handhelds. If literally nothing on a handheld interests someone, they really are unfamiliar with handheld libraries.

@XODIS: Before I bother trying to add you, are you an awful player? Do you mind playing with awful players? I am an awful player, but I just play for fun anyways. If that wouldn't bother you, send a friend request to Nekheny.

@Why So Many Shooters: Any time a game takes more than a half hour from the time that I boot it up for the first time to the point where I can actually explore and do my own thing, I want to break a developer's face open. No, your tutorial ISN'T so fantastic that I want to go through six different missions explaining

@quetzilla: Then you're really not looking very hard, because the handheld systems generally have larger libraries than consoles.

@Diamond Sea: I guess I've never really noticed a stigma against handheld gaming - I've been "hardcore" my whole life, but my first system was a big ol' gray Game Boy. Yesterday, I spent time playing five different games - two were PC, one was PS3, and two were PSP. The PSP games weren't any less deep than the

@lugal317: Oh, I understand WHY it works that way, but it's an amazingly fucking poor design choice that I have to sit there for a minute after I've decided that I'm done for the night before the thing will actually allow me to quit. They could have - and should have - done that a lot better.

@balfron123: Throw some granola and berries in it and have the best breakfast of your life.

@fisheradam: Misc hack 7 is most certainly not a lie, speaking as someone who has cut open a 9-volt and used the cells inside for other projects before. I can't speak about the 12v part but the 9v stuff is correct.

This is making me feel pretty rad about getting 17/year a year and a half out of school.

@Finstern: Absolutely the funniest thing I've read all day, hats off to you.

@InsaneGain: Yeah, honestly, I don't know what I was thinking with that. It was one of those times when I hit "submit" and thought, "Wait, no, I'm totally wrong on that last part."