
So I just started playing League of Legends, after never playing DotA (or even WC3) in my life. I think I'm getting the hang of it, and I'm able to win practice matches, but I'm not sure I'm confident to jump into a regular unranked game yet. Anyone got any general tips? What's the best time to go 'jungling'

@Relyt: Skullcandy's sound quality might not be great, but it's not terrible either, and you really can't beat their warranties for the price range.

@cubiclegnome: I'm a much bigger fan of their Bratz line of offerings, myself.

@Hikasho: True, but it also hits receptors that cause pleasure and happiness. The key is finding a strain with the right balance of cannabinoids, which is hard to do (outside of a dispensary).

You know, you really have to hand it to them - they turn crotchety obsolescence into almost an art form.

@diasdiem: I think they'd rather piss and moan and keep releasing the same licensed bullshit for $60. This is THQ here, they're not really releasing a whole lot of "must-have" titles.

Jesus Christ, they sound like the RIAA whining. Maybe if THQ made something other than shovelware recently they wouldn't have so much shit clogging up the used game shelves anyways.

@tramusen: I'm also wondering this.

@giusepe: It's always nice when the market makes your choices for you, isn't it?

@xd.Balls: This was what popped into my head when I read the headline - that was one of the best Gmail Labs add-ons EVER.

@ESLKid75: Yeah - I have a friend who preordered the bigass Blu-Ray set coming over this weekend, I'm going to watch the new short with him. I'm really not expecting much from it, though.

Wow....this might make Engadget readab...bahahahahahaBWAHAHAHHAAhahahah.......

Up until the last two episodes of the show, when it became abundantly clear that the writers not only had no answers to give us but were stringing us along with new questions anyways, I was looking forward to this. Now? Fuck no. Everybody loved LOST because it was the kind of shit you could discuss over the water

@Archaotic: I'm definitely intrigued by it, but only since this last announcement. I'm hoping that since they're not doing anything new, they can really focus and polish the classic elements they're using. All too often it seems like games that "innovate" do so at the expense of the rest of the gameplay. I don't

If only there were sleeper sofas that didn't weigh more than an African elephant with obesity-induced type 2 diabetes, I would be more interested, but the idea of moving one of these heavy monsters makes me shudder.

@kittenboo: Okay, definitely fair enough, but on the other hand nobody is making a game where you play as genocidal dictators or whatever in other regimes (at the moment, at least).

@VXXXJesterXXXV: The Taliban is the "current enemy of the world", that's why it could be construed as poor taste. I don't know if you realize this, but in Germany it's actually illegal to depict Nazis or Nazi symbolism in most forms of media, video games included. So your whole point is kinda muddied there.

@evlon: One also openly executes mothers for extramarital sex in front of their own children. With fucking rocks. I know moral relativism is "in" right now and it's always cool to hate on "AMERIKKKA" but seriously - do some reading on this stuff. I'm not pro-America by any stretch - we're run almost entirely by our