
@kittenboo: Well, considering the Taliban has a habit of publicly stoning people a la 600 B.C., yes, I'd say that they're a little different. I'm not going to claim that America is some blameless beacon of civility or anything, but the human rights violations by the Taliban are absolutely egregious (and frankly

@Spawny0908: I've never played the game, but isn't your character a badass secret agent? It's just being realistic, dude.

@Vixtro: Yes, you should feel deeply shamed. You bought a wildly popular videogame, how dare you?! You have brought much dishonor to your family, and it may only be remedied by ritualistic suicide.

@sepirioth: Right on, dude - I don't even play MW2 anymore (BC2 is more my style) but it's certainly not an awful game or anything. It astounds me how downright angry some people get at a video game.

Hey now - while this guy is clearly overreacting by calling for a ban on the game, I don't think it's fair to paint him as completely nuts. It's not hard to argue that playing as the Taliban in a video game could cross the boundaries of good taste - I mean, they're kind of a murderous regime with a list of human

Damn it, a friend came over for the weekend and in between drinking all of our booze and trashing our apartment he played a few games of League of Legends on his laptop. I had never played DotA (or even WC3 for that matter) so it was pretty much foreign to me. It was intriguing enough for me to download the client

@pwnyo: As a kid I always wanted a video game adaptation of Super Mario Bros. [The Movie] - it would be so cool! Mario with an actual plot from level to level! Most of all, though, I just wanted to play a level where you sledded down a frozen sewer pipe on a mattress while the SNES pumped out a chirpy version of

Wow, did someone at Kotaku Towers get a new camera? It's not often that convention shots make me think "damn, that's a nicely-shot photo", but a lot of these are really fantastic. Really great composition in a few of 'em.

@Langlen: No, you didn't say "it sucks to me", you said "it sucks". It objectively does not suck as a game (to whatever standard we can measure games objectively), making your statement false. And don't give me this "it's all subjective" crap - it doesn't take a genius to see that games like Modern Warfare 2 and

@DrewCSchultz: I think I don't want to know what a ZJ is, but I'm following you anyways.

@Langlen: You said "it sucks". It doesn't, you just don't like it. This may come as a shock to you, but "whether Internet pundit Langlen likes it" is not a particularly respected criterion for whether or not something is any good.

@DrewCSchultz: Careful, dude - if too many people have heard of it, it won't be cool anymore!

None of those coins are attracted by magnetism....take a damn shower, lady.

@ThisLife17: Sort of under the middle on the left, right under a Mario Kart model.

@Langlen: OH MAN LOOK HOW EDGY THIS GUY IS. God damn, son, I just almost cut myself on that edginess there.

@Ninja-Blowfish: That's fair enough - I didn't mean to imply an agreement with the OP, I find it grating when gamers play the victim card. It just seemed like the comments were filled with people talking about what a tragedy it is that all these people were laid off, when the game really didn't deliver the experience

@Ninja-Blowfish: Again, none of that is my problem as a consumer. They released a shitty product, it cost them their studio. I don't really care how it happened, I don't really care why it happened - the videogame industry is like forty years old now, they should have known better. All we can judge them on is the

@Ninja-Blowfish: Yeah, you're right. Those poor, poor developers who got fired (after making a complete flop). What we should do, as a global society, is find the people who make the worst commercial failures and give them money because we feel so badly for them.