
APB seems like it has a cool setting and art style, but everything I've read about it says the missions are bland or unbalanced. Now, everyone, repeat after me: gameplay first, then graphics. Polish your game itself before you make everything look shiny.

@Hatebunny: Hmmm, not really - I'd probably go with the GC version personally, as it seems on cross-platform titles they have better graphics than the PS2, but a lot of people hate the GC controller. I'd say it's probably personal console preference, at this point.

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Groovy, I just emailed this list to myself so I have it the next time I'm wandering around a GameStop. Thanks a ton.

@psydanman: I don't know how I could have been more clear, it's not really my fault if people don't pay attention to who I'm actually responding to. When I was responding, HurricaneDJ's response wasn't even there yet.

@psydanman: It's all good - you were just the third person to reply to my post completely missing the point. I've definitely done it myself before though, no worries.

@psydanman: That's great, now read the thread where neither myself or the original poster mentioned anything except disabling USB stick functionality. There's no question that Sony can ban you from the PSN for running unsigned code on your system, which is why we weren't discussing it here. All I said was that they

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Hey, this is only tangentially related to the article but heavily related to your post: the more-tactical, older Clancy FPS games have been recommended to me a few times, but I don't really know which ones are good and what's junk. Seeing as I've got a PS3 and a hell of a gaming PC, what should I look

@Hatebunny: It's probably pretty cheap on Steam right now - the PC version says it only supports XP but I've played it for an hour or so on Vista with no issues (or, at least no more issues than the general-case console-to-PC ports). Give it a shot, even though it looks dated graphically the art design mitigates it a

@keithius: Pass phrases like yours are an absolute staple of my web-browsing experience. People who glance over my shoulder are occasionally amazed that it looks like I'm typing a small novella comprised entirely of asterisks in the password field, but hey - it works, and they're easy to remember.

@flashtut: See my response to Spoony - I didn't say they wouldn't ban anyone, I said they wouldn't disable USB stick functionality for everyone. That would be illegal, something which Sony should know pretty well after having to pay out a not-insignificant amount of cash the last time they tried it (which was only a

@Spoony: USB stick functionality is advertised on the console, they're not going to disable it altogether (which is what the original post was talking about). Sony disabled the Install Other OS option in the name of security, as well, and got slapped with a really huge class action lawsuit. You cannot remove

I just got a game-design hardon.

@glenngunnerzero: That's not going to happen, after the class action lawsuit Sony got hit with after removing Install Other OS.

@jargy1: Security through obscurity is a myth, and a dumb one at that. Don't hate on news sites for reporting the news.

@Tha36thchamber: Kirby games! They're well-polished, fun, and most importantly, easy and forgiving for little kids!

@cheesecake000: I did....damn, I loved that game. How badass is an insane old man in a wheelchair with a sniper rifle called the GodKiller?!

Damn, Michael and Justin are both huge assholes, Jesus Christ. I hope one of you guys wins the game and your friend asks you how you got it or something, fuck.

Really? I've really never had any problems with the iPhone's voice control not recognizing someone's name, I'm just cheesed off that you can turn shuffle On but not Off again with your voice.

Oh, jeez, I'm torn. On the one hand, GH has sucked so completely compared to Rock Band lately, but on the other....Tones of Home, man. Looks like once again, I'll be forced to pick up both games.