
@battra92: Not really "importing", I guess, but whenever I'm in the UK for something I'll stop by a GAME or something and pick up a few games - it seems their "bargain bin" titles and the US of A's "bargain bin" titles don't always match perfectly, and you can find a few gems for really cheap. They also have a lot of

This just confirms the feeling that I got from Beloit College when I visited them while checking out schools - that they're sort of up their own ass about trying too hard to not be up their own ass. I'm glad I went somewhere else.

@Sarah-hiMe: The trick is supervision! Young kid's minds are malleable, you can train 'em not to throw important electronics pretty easily as long as you're watching when they use 'em.

@TheRevanchist2: Speaking as someone who's been playing handhelds since I was two and a half years old (try using toddler hands to reach around an original fat Game Boy), four is probably fine for a DS. For a four-year-old, definitely check out some of the Kirby titles - I'm not really sure what's out right now, but

@staySICK: Likewise. I think the emphasis on tactics in 4e would make for a fantastic SRPG game.

Huh, this is kinda cool if only because of the inclusion of the WoW TCG cards. It's one of my favorite card games, despite really not being a huge fan of the MMO - it might be just the incentive some of my more hardcore WoW-addicted friends need to shuffle up and play sometime.

@stan_i_am: Our government has forgotten that it has bounds, and it happened a damn long time ago.

Has the RIAA just lost all semblance of sanity, or what? Like, they've always been sort of off the deep end, but it's like they're not even trying to keep the public-at-large from seeing how absolutely ludicrously obsolete their ideas are.

@thepenguin55: This, this, a million times this. Use that extra space, give us more delicious lasergun space RPG action!

Uh, thanks, but what about carrying your character over from the first game? Isn't that sort of lost on us if we don't get the first game?

I am so psyched for this game and the keyboard, words cannot describe it. I've played piano for sixteen (seventeen?) years now, hook me up already!

Huh. The facial expressions have changed this from "oh, a S-E action game?" to "Please post more info on this as SOON as it becomes available". #10 in particular made me actually crack up in my seat.


@zelannii: Yeah, but that excludes cases like when the cop accidentally shoots his service firearm at the back of your head while you're lying prone on the ground with his knee in your back instead of his taser, after his friends shout racial slurs at you. Or how about that time you're riding your motorcycle a bit

@HannoverFist: I'm sorry, I didn't realize you lived in bizarro-land where calling someone on a cell phone counted as threatening. Seriously, read up on the 'just world phenomenon'. Or, keep believing that all the boys in blue are out there keeping us safe, and that the profession doesn't draw in a lot of people

@zelannii: Yes, yes - obviously not every cop is out there beating people, but guess what? There were FAR more than five reported cases of police brutality in the last year, don't be ridiculous. 20? Honestly?

@HannoverFist: No, I'm sorry, but fuck you. All your apologetic attitude does ("well, I feel bad for him, BUT he shouldn't have been doing ____") is reinforce the mentality that allows cops to get away with this shit in the first place. This cop, while being paid by taxpayers to protect and serve, beat the shit out

Why the fuck do we allow cops to harass people with cameras, again? I mean doesn't making photography of officers while on-duty a felony create the very fucking definition of a police state? At this point, I'm honestly surprised more upstanding citizens aren't arming themselves, not against criminals but against the

@sweetmonkey: Count me as another person who got my credit card info jacked from Monoprice.

@gurfinki: Hey man, not my problem if people can't be bothered to read the title of the game. It looks cool, I plan on enjoying it, haters gonna hate.