
Quick question about DQ IX:

@N-Robes: You can TOTALLY "catch them all" in the new versions, it just usually involves breeding some copies of your main and throwing them up on the GTS to get some rare 'mons. Rinse and repeat the process with whatever you get, and if you're lucky you won't even have to bother trying to catch the running

Oh no, I just realized something:

@Tills13: It's okay - if you mention anything negative about Apple products, you're either hailed as some sort of visionary or thrown to the wolves as a troll, depending on the mood of the commenters that day.

Damn, I love the Remote app - it's great for just plugging my laptop into the stereo and playing games or painting or whatever where I'd want to have good playlist control without crossing the room every twenty minutes.

@Scott.Gardeski is an anti-trolling White Knight: No, really. You've contributed less than nothing to this thread. You accused me of trolling because you didn't catch the joke (and didn't read the comments, apparently), and now you're just riding that wave out acting like a smug asshole. That's not a "difference in

I'm an adult with my own place, but I bought my younger brother a PS3 for Christmas last year so we could play games together while he's off at school. As soon as my parents get out of the damn 90's and buy an HDTV, I'll probably buy them one too - they'll use it as a Blu-Ray player first and foremost, but I'm pretty

@Scott.Gardeski: No, you're not the brilliant chess kind of autistic, more the "bang your head against a wall and scream" kind.

@Mrmirakle: I imagine they're kind of hard to coordinate, especially since the Gawker comment system is not really built to support something like that. But they're fun, damnit!

Oh man, this looks like absolute PORN to me. I love seeing the industry's perspective on things and I love talking about the elements of good game design and theory.... This is so awesome I can't wait to get home and watch it.

@Scott.Gardeski: Yes, trolling is a disease, a disease that must be eradicated. Good thing the Internet has White Knight Scott Gardeski on the case! I sleep better at night knowing there are autistic fatasses dedicated to keeping the Internet Tubes clean.

@Scott.Gardeski: Did you miss my comment to Cintax or do you just like hearing yourself talk?

@Balance_In_Life: You do realize that that's the entire point of the "corrections" hashtag, right?

@Cintax: It was an offhand joke comment I made at 7:45 AM, I really wasn't expecting it to be taken so seriously.

@Cintax: Fair enough point, but that doesn't change the fact that Flash has more gaping holes than a 45 year old hooker.

@Vidikron: Wait a second - are you claiming that because a vulnerability already exists, it's totally A-OK to introduce another platform with a known history of security vulnerabilities?

And why did we want Flash support on these things again?

The hilarious part of all of this is the "Satanic Ritual Abuse" scare that popped up a decade or so ago - people were convinced that crazed cults of otherwise normal people were torturing and raping them, and had vivid memories of the incidents.

Hey, Kotaku! What happened to Game Clubs? Bring 'em back, switch the format up - just bring back a reason to get the community playing games and discussing them as a group again!