
@knowtis: And the 2010 award for Missing The Point goes to.....commenter Knowtis!

I'm super addicted to this game - the amount of polish is really astounding for "just a phone game". I haven't had any problems with the touchscreen controls, either - once I realized you could use any place on the screen to control your pieces with simple gestures, I pretty much stopped making placement mistakes. I

Fuck Apple's app approval process in its archaic, smut-free asshole.

@GeneralBattuta: I'm really curious as to what you mean "contracted the universe" - I mean, most of the single-player campaign vignettes between missions were there explicitly to flesh out the universe and give you a cast of characters to care about rather than a bunch of faceless units on the field. What do you feel

@Givafuk: You're close - the Zerg campaign is due by 2020, the Protoss campaign is coming out sometime after the heat death of the known universe.

@Voldy1: Also definitely a better solution.

I love the shot of the LED just...sitting there, being an LED. LEDs are hardcore.

@NaraVara: Apple, Give Us Free Bumpers

@Cmykify: What, both my laptop manufacturer and the people who built this lock have no idea what two-factor authentication actually entails?

@NaraVara: Seconding this so hard.

@FrankenPC: Then have it lock in the traditional lock cylinder when it still has batteries in it or something - a biometric lock that you can bypass by picking a regular lock is exactly as secure than a regular lock on its own. What piss-poor design.

...Why the hell does it even have a keyhole?

@Willby: Amazon reviews have the same problem as democracy itself: people are dumb. When you get people in large groups, you don't get some magical group IQ, you just get a big pile of dumb.

@origosis: Just wait until you start playing with the map editor - every OS and browser in the world should support right-click to drag, damn it!

@BillyTheRatKing: You've gotta be trollin' or you haven't played the game, because it's really fantastic. I never even beat the campaigns of the original SC (although I dabbled in MP with friends), but this game has me pretty much floored.

@GeneralBattuta: ...Really? Were you expecting Tolstoy out of your real-time-strategy gaming experience? For a story about some freaky mind-aliens and some freaky teeth-aliens beating the shit out of each other in space while space truckers with armor and guns get caught in the middle, I think they did alright.

@25toLife: Yeah, the only thing objectively "bad" about StarCraft II is my build order in multiplayer, it seems.

@MakinBacon: ....God, I knew the supply depots could be lowered, but I never thought of using them as an actual physical defense - I've just been building them basically wherever. Thanks for the tip.

@25toLife: When I was in college, my roommate, a couple neighbors and I would play StarCraft over a LAN all the time, since our school's archaic firewall made playing games over the Internet basically impossible until our junior year. Personally, I don't see much issue with requiring a connection to the Internet for

@Avinant: I had heard the "stay below 500 resources" rule, but I was wondering - what about Really Big Expensive Units like Terran battlecruisers? They're 400 minerals and 300 gas, which is obviously a possibly-crippling investment, but they also kick so much ass. Are big units like that ever worth the investment in