
@PurpleGryphon: I have nothing against the quality of cutscenes - in fact, I didn't mention the game at all. I was under the impression it was a promotional image, and commented on how "off" it looked. I'm sorry if I somehow dissed your favorite game franchise or something.

@Avinant: Wow, thanks - lots of those tips make a lot of sense but are subtle enough I probably wouldn't have caught onto them, even after watching a bunch of replays. Thanks for the heads-up.

@PurpleGryphon: That doesn't really excuse the graphic from looking like it was thrown together in Photoshop by a drunk college sophomore to email in to her professor mere seconds before the due date.

@Krakenstein: I never understood where the hell Battle Chips actually came from after each fight. Is there like a little chip-printer in the PET itself? Why don't you ever have to refill it with blanks? Clearly these are questions that need answers before we proceed with the Navi Internet Defense Force.

What the hell is wrong with the reflection in that picture? That's...not how light works at all.

So....StarCraft II Multiplayer. Hooo boy. Anyone got any tips for me? After getting absolutely stomped in my first couple of games, I bothered to stop and watch the replays and check my opponent's build orders and stuff, but I'm still not really able to eke out a win. I'm playing Terran (at the moment), and I

@UweBollocks: The Mega Man Legends series is far and away my favorite game franchise, but both games' endings really kind of sucked.

@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Most comics don't mail out subscriptions - your best bet would be setting up a pull box at your local comic shop and just picking up what's in at your convenience.

@StocDred: Who are you calling a douche now? You made a statement, and I responded in kind. I don't think that gamers should bear any responsibility (or even more ridiculous, guilt) when a studio announces financial trouble or slow sales, though, because I'm not some kind of insane goofball who jerks off to his

This is an awesome article, but I found the pictures to be really striking as well. Any chance we could have birds be the subject of a Gizmodo shooting challenge? I loved the results of the week you guys took pictures of insects.

@BeyondtheTech: Whoa. Thanks for the tip. ...err....the...nothing. No, you didn't say anything. Nothing to see here. (Seriously thanks though, hadn't thought of that.)

@Xagest: A lot of companies have an under-publicized "lemon" clause, where if you send the same laptop in three times for repairs under warranty for similar issues they just figure your machine is fucked and throw a new one your way. I mean, it's going to take some haggling and I wouldn't try to abuse it, but there is

@maxnichols: If you don't think that visuals can be uncomfortable, you never played any N64 budget titles. SO MANY GARISH COLORS ON ABSTRACT PILES OF POLYGONS.

"I trusted him. I trusted him because he was a Dell technician" - This line is so ironically awesome that I almost want it printed on a T-shirt or something, possibly with an image of a computer screen with this woman's face on it.

@EnigmaticChemist: It certainly looks like a punch to me - there's no bit or anything. You're seeing a spring.

I see the potential for a lot more mile-high-club members, what with a real bed on the plane....

@GuyWhiteyCorngood: Eh, it had heart though - and parties are meant for crazy nostalgia trips.

Man, the only way I'd get this is if I could somehow force people to drop quarters into a jar to have a chance to play. They're gorgeously animated, sure, but there's not a whole lot to be enthralled with there - they were designed to be coin-eaters, pure and simple.

@The MSJ: Gah, yeah, single-discer here. I'll just hope someone's got it on Youtube or something when I get home.

@The MSJ: ....Really? You're kidding me. I actually own the DVD (picked it up used from Blockbuster from a going out of business sale - I love rapidly-evolving business models!) I'll have to check it out.