
Awesome, this almost makes up for Best Buy completely losing my iPhone 4 preorder! ...Almost.

I've got to say, I'm really looking forward to this game - the control scheme in particular seems innovative enough that it'll be worth dusting off my Wii for.


@privatedonut: You'd be surprised - the minimum specs are like a 128-meg graphics card (which my HP laptop from 2005 had, so I'd bet you're covered) and a gig or two of RAM. It might not run at the highest settings or anything, but it'll be playable.

@privatedonut: What? You can play SC II with pretty much any computer off the shelf these days, the system requirements aren't that harsh.

@Byakko: I'm sure there's a contingency built into the ToS, that's what the ToS is there for in the first place. Besides, being paid content doesn't actually change the fact that you have to abide by certain rules. My favorite forum on the planet requires you to pay money to get an account, but they'll still ban

That's bullshit. How does Jackson's estate have any leg to stand on here exactly?

@OptionalJoystick: Yes - it is stuff like this, explicitly, that causes me (and I'd assume most others like me) to have two dozen tabs open at a time.

Uh, out of the cases available under the program, which have people gotten and been happy with? Any advice?

I want this on my iPhone, damnit. Every day it's looking more and more like I should grab cheap Android tablet.

So last night while playing BF:BC2 and waiting for the SC II installer to finish downloading, I independently discovered the "infinite C4" glitch. I was pretty psyched at first, but I soon found that A) since you can't actually detonate the C4 with the trigger, it's usefulness is extremely limited and B) it is

@Metallipod: Pretty sure there was actually an article about this a couple of weeks ago.

@Nevest: This is seriously the only solution that makes any kind of sense. When your forums are huge and filled with morons, you either need to hire more mods or let the whole place descend into a cesspool of awfulness.

@MrFresh: Unless, you count laptops, you'd be hard pressed to find a off-the-shelf computer anywhere that wouldn't play SC II. It's not Crysis, you know.

Wow.....I wish I got erroneously banned from something and got an apology gift from the company. All I ever get 'erroneously' banned from are CS:S servers with overzealous power-tripping admins (and aren't they all?)

@belo: God, I hate it when that happens. It always makes it more satisfying to kill someone with the defibrillator, though, because you know they're experienced enough to notice it when they're level 44 and leading their team.

@CowboyBebopCrew: Huh, I like that - and it fits with the movie in that we're never explicitly shown Cobbs totem, so it's possible his wedding band is a sort of totem for him. A lot of people speculate that he just used Mal's top, but the movie never says "Oh yeah, Cobb doesn't even have a totem" - in fact, most

@NickFoote: The kids are actually different ages and are indeed actually played by different actors, according to the credits.

@SolusArtifex: This is it exactly - the main point isn't what's real, it's what Cobb is willing to accept in his life. While the audience fixates on the token at the end, Cobb just walks away - he is at a place he is satisfied with, and that's what matters to him.