
@AustinFound: I doubt you'd be able to follow McCain on Twitter, as he's famously unable to use a computer (he blames his war injuries).

@MonkeyChunks: Huh, really? What problems did they have with it? The difficulty curve starts off way too low but it definitely improves.

@Dimipapa: Wait - an FFT game? For the iDevices?

I'm really surprised Castlevania's puzzle game isn't up there. I'm really having a great time with it so far, even if the enemy sprites look laughably ancient on the Retina display. Everything except the enemy sprites seems really, really polished.

@Dalai-Lama: This is good to know - I mean, I think everyone on the entire Internet knows about zerg rushes, but I had no idea whether or not they were still in vogue on MP. Thanks.


@Alex Brewer: Uh, it's meant for bombing down hills - you know, like a snowboard without the snow.

I wasn't going to get it until the price dropped in a year or so, but then I realized I get my [monthly] paycheck today - all that money burning a hole in my pocket has to go somewhere.

@Sakilla: This was honestly my first reaction, too. Jeez, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Wouldn't a third reason be "our employees would be pissed if they didn't get something out of this after Apple gave all their employees iPhones when they launched"?

Jeez, that UI is uuuuuugly. Why is everything glowing neon red, including the dice?

It would probably help if the speech wasn't selectively edited when it was aired by FOX News, the only news corporation that has won the 'right' to report bald-faced lies as fact in a court of law.

@LokeSTL: Hey, thanks for the heads-up - that probably explains some of my more embarassing moments in MAG. I've been meaning to jump online and grab the updates sometime soon anyways, I'll have to give it a shot.

I want one of these badges to mess around with. Does that make me strange?

@MidnightMarvel: LIES, DAMNED LIES. X1, X3 and X4 are awesome, but don't come close to the awesomeness that is Legends. I mean, the games have a plot that spans millenia (and ties into the X/Zero plotline pretty well).

@LokeSTL: Really? I think the above poster may be correct in his assumption that there were vastly more Recon/snipers early on in the game's life - I didn't pick it up until June, and it seems the classes are generally all represented pretty equally (except maybe the engineer). Of course, on some maps it just makes

@d4rk-h4x0rer: It's understandable - BC2 manages to make the Medic a really, really fun class to play, and it's a great way to rack up the points fast. The four-man squads really emphasize teamwork in a great way, as well, thought it's easy to see why someone coming from MW2 or a similar fragfest wouldn't be able to

@LokeSTL: In what ways, exactly? BC2 has bigger levels than MW2, more interesting levels than MAG, better vehicle variety, and a spotting mechanic that's so brilliant I find myself hitting SELECT in every other multiplayer shooter I play now. It's a more strategic game than MW2 by far.