
BF:BC2 took everything about the feeling that MAG was shooting for and succeeded where MAG failed. If they had bigger levels with 256-player matches (which frankly isn't that big of a deal - you'll usually not see anyone outside of the 40-60 you're fighting in your area) then BC2 would win hands-down, but MAG has the

@subterfunk: Your movie-ratings comparison is incredibly apt - the game just lacks a lot of the visceral "oomph" that an FPS should have. As it is, it's like running around shooting each other with squirt guns - running around in huuuuuge areas with tons of players, but still just squirt guns.

Nobody remembers Tetris 2 for the original Game Boy, do they? I loved that game, but it seems most of the Internet has collectively forgotten about its existence.

@JBourrie: Me too. I have a Japanese copy of Bomberman Fantasy Race just collecting dust - although thankfully they released that one in English on the PSN.

@Skychrono: Ah, yeah - I totally forgot about that. Actually, I don't remember most of the Zero series, although I've beaten most of them. Maybe I should grab the DS collection...

@Y-bot: Even if Nintendo was seething-at-the-mouth-furious over this, there's fuck-all they can do about it. You can't patent or trademark the way a game is played (despite Wizards of the Coast owning a patent on collectible card games - fuck them and their team of lawyers).

@VincentGrey: Really? I'm having a blast with it, but I'm a huge whore for Puzzle Fighter style games.

@Kaostick: There's actually a PC port of the first game, if you'd care to try to find it. It's really bad though - there's not even an option in-game to quit, you have to Alt+F4 the thing. Other than that, try emulating the first one - the second has a couple of effects that just don't seem to look right emulated at

Could we maybe get an article about the different cases with reviews or something? It would really be helpful.

@nesstee: Yup. And you get all the neat virtual memory card functionality that PSOne Classics from the PSN have. It's neat-o-riffic and I wish the feature would've been advertised a little more heavily - as it stands, I have no idea where most of my old PSX games are.

@selianth: Huh, I hadn't thought of that - although at least it's not like the silverback iPhone, where you couldn't really use third party headphones at all without shaving down the plug to fit the narrow jack or using a ridiculous adapter. Thanks for the heads-up though.

@PhoenixWitch: Eh, BN7 would never happen simply because the Battle Network series is the only Megaman franchise to canonically end. X9 could be pretty cool, though. And MM Soccer 2 would be a day-one purchase for me if it was a downloadable PSN/XBLA title.

@redlazer64: Mega Man 64 = Mega Man Legends, so don't worry - you started with the best of 'em all.

@michael_jordan: No. NO. Bad michael_jordan, do not make me want to die this early on a Friday.

@Twilight Sea: They have....in Japan. There's a PSP collection, I believe.

@MonkeyChunks: I don't know, Archetype works pretty well to be honest. I mean it only has one game mode and a couple of really uninspired levels, but it's always nice going 14-4 while you're using the restroom at work. But I agree on your main point - not nearly enough iPhone games cater to the device's unique

@aFlockOfMoosen: All the colors have been unavailable since the press conference, I thought - and even before that, if you ordered one it wasn't going to ship for something like three weeks.

@Almightywhacko: Yeah, I've just heard horror stories from people not getting their payment after some snarky customer contested it after completely ignoring the bolded item descriptions that said the product was sold as-is in non-working condition or whatever. It's very convenient when it works, it just sounds like

@selianth: Is it a silly looking pastel orange? Because then yes, it is. I mean, what ever happened to the primary colors? It's funny, because the Bumper colors they have available work really well aesthetically on their all-white website, but they're just not colors most people would want to wrap around their $300

@Almightywhacko: After the whole fiasco at Monoprice, I've taken to using PayPal (especially with sites that I don't know well). I was avoiding it on general principle before, however, just due to how sketchy PayPal can be when it comes to sellers actually receiving payment.