
@artum: Really? That's pretty rad. I remember reading a summary of the Emperor's supposed history that claimed that back in Earth's ancient history, a group of shamans were able to discern the distant threat of the Warp. They performed some sort of suicidal ritual to combine their minds into what became the

@azr: The question is, what was the Emperor working on in his basement? And how did he create the Primarchs? And what is the "disturbing thing" that only Psykers can see about the Emperor?

@hagren: Wait until closer to the end before recommending it or anything, I've never had a game go from "holy crap this is unique and awesome" to "wait, what, really? Were they high when they wrote this?" as quickly as Indigo Prophecy did. Supposedly Heavy Rain is a lot better about not jumping the shark midgame,

@unmarkedone: It does though, that's what I'm saying. All you need to do is sync the same iTunes account to your new computer. There's a 5-computer limit, but you can de-authorize old computers if you need to.

@xcornmuffinx: Tekken characters? Soul Calibur characters?

@unmarkedone: Uh....might I ask why you keep re-buying it? You can sync the same iTunes account to more than one device, you know. You should NEVER have to pay for an app more than once.

This looks cool, but the trailer made one big mistake that really bugs me:

@Nintendocrazed: I don't see "Tomb Raider" in this entire article.

@Slatz_Grobnik: Oh yes, a good DM should be able to mitigate most problems with either 3.5 OR Pathfinder, but some problems are just inherent to the way the system is designed. Sure, you can tell your wizard player that he can't fly through walls and turn invisible and unlock any nonmagical lock in whatever

Meh. I'm happy with my iPhone 4, and while I'll gladly take any free shit Apple wants to throw my way, I think I'm just going to try a little masking tape with acrylic paint over it (both so that the masking tape looks less like masking tape and to provide a better insulating buffer) to see if that fixes things.

@NatureNerd: Ah, thanks. I was confused since the graphic had everything colored as Space Age Plastic White.

@EmeraldStorm: Just a heads-up - if your games tend to get higher-level, Pathfinder actually manages to make fighters less useful than they are in vanilla 3.5 by around level 10-15 (I forgot the actual mathematical cutoff, fuck if I care enough about rolling dice and pretending to be an elf to do the math myself now).

@AlphaIOmega: Well, he DOESN'T. Not now, anyways.

This was such a promising game, but their whole "hey look, you're actually learning a REAL INSTRUMENT" schtick kinda fell apart when they revealed those mystical Air Drums. Now I'm just looking forward to the six-stringed guitars in RB3 - guitar players represent!!

Yeah, this is a huge letdown compared to that ridiculous-and-awesome (ridicsome?) marble board game from the other day. I guess I've just never understood slot cars - isn't there just one trigger/button, and it's tied to acceleration?

@Amyndris: Personally, I like it. I wrote a more detailed comment above you can look at as well (would have tagged you on the reply but multi-tagging has been broken for SOOOOOO LOOOONG now).

@Gray665: It's topped the iPhone sales charts for months now, so it's popular at the very least. Personally, I think it's pretty great, but it all depends on what you think of physics-based catapult games. It's a pretty polished experience overall (especially for a phone game, though I wish they'd make a

Okay, I just need to ask: at this point, who owns an iDevice without Angry Birds on it? It's still on top, so there still must be people out there buying it, but who?

@valerian.houdard: Maybe throw in a li-ion battery? AAA's are so early-90's.

@Sam fisher's a aimbot: The Tau. Say what you will, but if I'm going to be fighting SPACE WARS in the FAAAAAR FUTURE I'm going to be doing it with robotic armor suits and plasma rifles and shit. Compare this to the Space Marines, whose solution to "carry more firepower" is "breed bigger super-meatheads to carry