
@Ian Logsdon: Yeah, some of us think that "taking care of something" involves "not setting it down where someone can knock it on the floor or spill stuff on it". Sorry your friend is dumb enough to require putting her phone in the gadget equivalent of a padded room. Nice job being a smug prick with clumsy friends

Hahaha, having Box Art Mega Man come out at the end was absolutely brilliant. That said, fuck this, where's my Legends 3?

I have never used FaceTime, because 99% of the time when I'm on the phone I don't want to see the other person's ugly mug, and when I *do* we're both already sitting at computers anyways.

Wow, I had completely forgotten about Nerf Fencing, and my brother and I must've played with these for months. Crazy.

Gah, there's too many Japanese authors named Murakami. For a second here I was thinking we'd have another masterwork by the author of Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.

So I've really been getting into DDO again recently (well, "getting into" for me means a quest or two before I hit bed most nights, I'm not a huge MMO person). Is there anyone here that plays? I have a character fresh out of Korthos on Thelandia (I think?) and another one almost to the end of the Korthos questline

@Ian Logsdon: Do you also wear a helmet, just in case you trip and crack your skull open? When you're in a car you're kind of at the mercy of all the other fuckheads in cars, when you're walking down the street messing with your phone you have nobody to blame but your own damn self if you drop it. Stop acting like

@gebinsk: ....It's a joke about the seam between the antennas, the "gap".

@Ian Logsdon: You're a pretty arrogant fuckhead for a guy who can't reliably hold on to his expensive consumer electronics, you know that? I've had an iPhone since the week the silverback launched, and have never dropped it - maybe you need to take better care of your shit?

@kneeofwisdom: There was a Skate Or Die 2?! I could never figure out the high jump or whatever it was in the first game. I was absolutely the best at pool jousting and the street jams though.

@Batman: You thought Megaton wasn't a letdown? That and the ending were my two biggest problems with the game. "HEY STRANGER I'VE NEVER MET BEFORE, YOU WANNA ACTIVATE THIS BOMB AND COMMIT A HORRIBLE GENOCIDE IN THE NAME OF HAVING A MORALITY SYSTEM IN OUR GAME?" It was the most bombastically, in-your-face ludicrous

@Ian Logsdon: And all of us who think that cases look ugly as fuck and don't need a case to help them take care of their $300 phones give you a one-finger-salute for implying we're stupid somehow, fuck-you-very-much. Enjoy Fisher-Pricing up your phone with rubber, though - don't want those sharp edges to poke out

These guys are basically a family of lawyers that make their living suing whoever bugs them at their "protests". Don't feed the real-life trolls.

@SCN55: They are less of a church and more of a family of lawyers that makes thousands of dollars every time someone actually does this. Seriously, they make their living by trolling real life - DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

@TheRuiner: Did....did you just reply to yourself?

@jdale: Damn, made me laugh out loud when I was supposed to be working. Follow'd.

This....looks intriguing. More coverage if possible, please. Hopefully there will be a demo, too.

@Mi7ch: I bet since the game is exclusively helicopters the ground models and textures are pretty minimal.

This looked awesome until I looked at my sad little iPhone 4, all covered in slippery, slippery glass. Tilting flat surfaces will forever be my bane.

@This is not the commentor you were looking for...: ...You mean the 'debacle' they said was obviously a huge mistake, and ultimately decided against? So...wait - if you're not going to play fantastic games by a fantastic developer who actually, well, listened to their fans, what ARE you going to play?