Ryo Shenmue

Ahem…because unlike other videogames where activities are pretty much pointless(GTA, Red Dead, Watch Dogs) here they're actually useful. Batting practice increases your stats, working at the convenience store gives you money, etc…etc…

P4 has the least interesting characters in the series. The themes and topics were better than P3 but the characters absolutely not.

The characters in Persona 5 are better than in P4. They're not as fantastic as P3's characters but still amazing.

It's too long only if you're a casual gamer who's never played a serious videogame in his whole life. The length is perfect, it catches the sense of journey and of a high school year(more or less) amazingly.

That's because you're an idiot, this is going to be the best piece of television since The Wire and Generation Kill ended almost 10 years ago.

That's because you're an idiot who doesn't understand great writing.

There's nothing frustrating in Persona, 3 is one of the 5 best games of all time and 4 is in the TOP 10. The daily parts of the games are perfect, brilliant in every possible way and they have never gotten anything wrong about high school. That's exactly how high school is in Japan.

Yeah, they were part of the Jennifer Lawrence hack etc..

Who wouldn't compliment the greatest art piece in the history of television? And by the way, The Killing Joke is just tremendously overrated, it's so empty it doesn't even seem written by Alan Moore.

The finale is perfect and is exactly what the entire series has always been about.

?? Overreliance on goofiness? Unfocused feeling? Are you drunk? Malcolm is known, among the greatest series ever made, to be one of the shows with more consistency in television history. There's not ONE season in 7 of them that's not great, in fact some of the best scenes of the entire series are in Season 6 and 7.

Sorry but Scream Queens doesn't suck complete ass. It's not "good" but it is smart in a way, because it makes fun of this generation in every way possible and it makes fun of a LOT of things seen in both movies and TV shows nowadays(Empire included). The pilot had a couple of very funny scenes and episode 2 is

Empire viewers must be really stupid. The first season was a very watchable mess that you only watch because of how intentionally "in your face" dumb it was(in an O.C. kind of way, although the first season of The O.C. was still ten times better than Empire). What's interesting is that they consider this season to be

This season was pretty boring actually. Season 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 were and still are on a whole other level. We're talking of a HUGE gap in quality. Only one episode made me laugh this season and the others were pretty monothematic.

What?! The guy in the prison murdered D'Angelo and Stringer ordered him to do it, what are you talking about?!

They would just have to keep him away from the kids.

That's your problem, not theirs.

Pretty much everybody didn't get the Interstellar jokes.

They could have been talking about any series on television because that's how every series on TV is.

No, they band IDEAS but every episode is made in six days, unless Comedy Central decides to stop the weekly schedule and postpone one or more programs by a week(like they did last week giving two weeks to Trey and Matt to produce THIS episode).