Ryo Shenmue

One of the worst, actually.

Arrow is doing pretty much everything Smallville did but worse. There's no good acting, no sense of epicness, no joruney, no decent relationships(human relationships i mean not necessarily sentimental relationships). They've copied quite a few TV-Series and it doesn't deserve to be praised for that(still watch it,

You could have watched it like…8 years ago.

You're a douche bag too.

Breaking Bad is the most overrated piece of crap ever, it's mindless entertainment for the dumb, not even in the top 20. The Wire number 1, The X-Files number 2(greatest work of art as fiction and greatest work of pure thought-provoking TV writing). Rarely have i seen a series as dumb and as meaningless as Breaking

Please, let's not mix up such an overrated and meaningless series like Breaking Bad with the best expression of TV art that mankind has ever seen.

Katie Holmes is 100 times better than Busy Phillips.

If you watched Fringe and not Dawson's Creek you're not really smart. DC is 50 times better, especially the first two seasons…network television writing at its finest. The problem with Josh on Fringe is that when you watch him there you see an average performance and you say: "oh, look Joshua Jackson is playing Peter