Ryoma Nagare

guys i live in Chile, this is a serious issue, brands that you’d think should know better sell subpar products in developing markets just because they can get away with it. this applies to comfort and security. for the same or some times much more money than in europe or the US they strip the cars down of what in

I still believe its not snyder to blame, he hardly had “final cut” this reeks of david Goyer all over, the individual vignettes, taken from 90s books were decent, the whole plot of apokolips turning batman and lex luthor crazy, was important and was taken out, the whole thing in the sahara was cut, dont know if it was

hope they fix it ... launch is buggy as hell, some sound assets are missing, but the gamepad support is appalling ... on a 2D metalvania? a real shame

there were two amalgam events a year apart first one was four amalgam books and 12 amalgamated comics + 2 crossover spiderman+batman Silver surfer Kyle Rainer.

can we start at least pretending to be a little be outraged by the censorship in japan? i mean this anime is from 1985, a whole generation of people watched it for better or worse, whats the point on doing a broadcast with this level of edit. its like Japan doesnt want to enter the VoD age, hopefully soon one of their

just hope the production values don’t dissapoint... after playing the first 3 so many times, and watching the movie, i’ve seen this cases so many times, that cut with Phoenix riding a bike... looks ... baaaaad

You could say these designs are the polar oppossite from DIVINE GATE or LUCKLOGIC that look like random mmo player 5632

i’m so fucking sad right now, this site had the best reviews on the internet their video reviews were perfectly edited written my true journalists, that were real gamers you could only trust bloodworth take on a driving game, or ben’s on a jrpg. I was worried this might happen, truth be told at less than 300.000

Alfred looks pantless in that picture up there

what makes me mad its not the delays, its all those stretch goals no one asked for, stretch goals shouldn’t make the project more complex they should only entice the backers into giving more money, without significantly affecting the complexity.

As i was commenting on the ani-tay chat...

Cm Punk only lives for “5" years then you froze his gunk and mix him with a purple dragon.


Now playing

fantastic article you win ... coooovers for your car seats...

as someone that doesn’t play or watch MOBAS doesn’t even understand how you play one....