
Man, the simplistic “supply and demand” answer annoys me. Especially because it is the exact wrong conclusion.


There are two things going on here:

Usually people with the ‘Eff Your Feelings’ stickers are insecure, easily-triggered, snowflake, man-babies.

I do and they're fine in the winter. Just buy a set of good winter tires and you'll be fine

According to my source, the warranty starts on the in service date, not the sale date.

Good riddance. The Dodge Challenger is the AR-15 wearing a MAGA hat of cars.

Oh no, they’ll take my license to woke away! 

I have a cousin who is not a tech CEO, but acts like one, and she’s literally going to die shortly because she of this. She chose to use supplements instead of chemo for the first 6 months she was sick. She has resources, is extremely well educated, but refused to listen to any of the sane people in her family. 

Now ban the dealers. 

No game in my 30+ years of gaming has made me as legit throw the controller yell at the top of my lungs get actually salty mad as Rocket league. Probably good that the worst I can do is break my controller at this point.

Actually, it’s Home Depot to get molding chunks to make Model Y heat exchanger mounts...

That is about the worst argument to make. “Far more have been treated well.” What?

So, misconduct on the side of the police is okay as long as there’s enough folks that didn’t fall victim to it? Are you insane?


Hhahahahahaa no.

Plenty of people who’ve protested peacefully in the last few days (not to mention the rest of human history) have still found the wrong side of police treatment. 

“donned their electronic leashes and gave up their autonomy”

Is taste that simple? What about spices? Is turmeric a mixture of these 5 components?

Tangential af but speedrun documentaries on youtube are my new thing (although I’m not young). Anyone reading this, check out SummoningSalt on youtube, seriously good content.

Right, cause rape is an appropriate consequence of criminal activity that we should be supporting.