
Sounds like you have a managment and training issue if your the only one who can do XYZ.  Weenie.  What are you?  10?  

Sounds like you want everyone to be like you. From what you’ve described of yourself, I’m not sure why anyone would actually want to.

This comment that cars are shit today has been said by every generation of old man going back to the 50s ‘20s. --FIFA.

Boomer is more of a state of mind than a reference to an age bracket. Saying dumb shit like, “I think most people really should be fine with 5-8 days a year. But some years I would think they would use less or none.” is peak boomer mentality.

I think most people really should be fine with 5-8 days a year.

I would be more upset about this if the ZF wasn’t such a damn good transmission. My wife has the ZF in her BMW, and I had the previous GM-sourced 6spd in mine (only a couple of model years older), and A/B testing those cars was depressing AF. The transmission is what finally drove me out of what was otherwise an

How does that make him right? A car having “soul” doesn’t make it better. You might like it more. It might be more fun to drive. You might even spend a lot of money on it. But those are hardly realistic metrics for quality. 

Many of our purchase service don’t get paid vacation time either. Surprisingly, they don’t take (unpaid) vacation time all that much either.

I have no idea why this brutish blowhard has an audience. And I’m 70. He gives boomers a bad name.

Okay, boomer.  The number of people calling out your toxic behavior should be a sign, but you think that sign says, “All is well, ignore criticism” don’t you?

The thing is, sick time is part of compensation. You want to see fewer “unsubstantiated” sick calls, then offer buy backs. “Use it or lose it” is the worst; I left 265 hours of sick leave on the table (over $20k in value) when I changed jobs years ago and I still feel like a chump. Meanwhile, I’ve worked other places

You’re the manager.  Sounds like its time for a performance improvement plan.

You sound like a crappy manager who seems to think that employees are clogs just like Elon and yes you are saying I’m a badass hardass curmudgeons.

If you think people are abusing the sick days that they have legitimately earned, you’re a toxic AF manager and I’m super happy I don’t work for you.

Typical boomer dude... they can criticize anyone and anything they want no matter how fat, ugly, dumb, etc they are themselves.

Not Clarkson who is too busy being an angry, racist, bigoted asshat.

Well, thanks for spreading your colds and flus to the rest of your co-workers. I find this idea about “I never take sick days” to be utterly ridiculous.

You’re upset at an employee using all the sick time that he’s allowed? A whopping 14 days out of the ~250 working days in a year?  

If you only want them to take 5 or 8 days a year, then only give them that amount. It is absolutely your right to set the amount of sick/vacation days employees get, but see how many employees want to come work for you. If they are allowed 14 days off a year and don’t take all of them, then are you paying them