
Horsepower has been standardized as 746 W of force to 1 hp. If you’re not into freedom units, 1 ps is about 736 W.

You still got his number? Just his email will do.

I have a book about the history of Ford Mustangs and in it is a photo of prototype Mustangs and Pintos going around a track and the updated Pinto replacement had this bodystyle.

You can get in on this. Beat up a skeleton, pick up his arm, beat him to death with his own arm. It’s the new version of Minecraft’s killing pigs with porkchops.

Actually I was going to say the opposite, use motion controls for the bow because it’s a lot easier to make the fine tuned shots, I was amazed on the tick shots I could pull off on the 3DS with Zelda OoT, it made shooting on horseback WAY easier.

Huh, didn’t know they offered the SS trim on the 81 Vette.