He isn’t friends with the Bush twins or his elderly neighbor who has always voted Republican but has some problems with the current administration. He is friends with a member of a fascist regime.
He isn’t friends with the Bush twins or his elderly neighbor who has always voted Republican but has some problems with the current administration. He is friends with a member of a fascist regime.
C’mon. Don’t be mean. Ivanka wrote a letter—by hand!—to a privileged white lady. That totally makes up for being a fascist.
I’d stop hanging out with family members if they worked for this administration.
He has confused kindness and niceness.
I guess because she didn’t personally put a baby in a cage, she’s golden?
Wow, his bar for kindness is set pretty low.
I mean if he was friends with Tiffany, who isn’t active in the administration or even a person Donald Trump remembers exists on a regular basis, it might be different. But Ivanka is very active.
Melania seems all-around horrid, though no person with a shred of dignity, decency, and kindness would throw their lot in with Trump. I wonder how she treats her staff. I'm going to go with "disdainfully".
Journalists holding politicians accountable to their faces, imagine that!! It CAN be done.
Yes, it was a totally random comment but you never know, someone may need to be patriotic while sexing.
Nice job capturing the signature Trump butthole mouth in that top picture, Ashley.
Is sarcasm really that hard?
“Tonight grown adults threatened a child over his costume. Threatened his mom and dad as well. Threatened to rip his outfit off of him screaming obscenities, scareing [sic] a small child.”
Spare me the melodrama and don’t try to guilt me with your families hardships. We all have them. We all go through loss and no we are not perfect. Spare me the cliches too. You know bloody well we aren’t criticizing use in special circumstances - it’s when people use them as crutches to avoid parenting as I clearly…
I didn’t start using the term “weirdo” I was replying to that term. You are right, I shouldn’t judge others. That being said, we all do it. You just judged me based on an Internet comment.
People that use strollers past a certain age are weird. And yes I’m a parent. You stunt their independence, sense of self, confidence, and health. When they can walk they walk. You don’t push around a 5+ year old in a stroller - if you do it’s because it’s easier for you, or your child has a developmental disorder, or…
While some people take the Soon-Yi affair as evidence he is a pedophile, I think a lot of other people take it as evidence that basically he is capable of anything. Now, that is obviously simplistic as people are complex, but I do think it is further evidence that he is fairly immoral or amoral I guess. He is…
So the grooming before the actual sex (if they're telling the truth) is just fine and dandy?