The takes are practically radioactive on Cleveland sports-talk radio, which interestingly enough, is also used as apart of enhanced interrogation techniques on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
The takes are practically radioactive on Cleveland sports-talk radio, which interestingly enough, is also used as apart of enhanced interrogation techniques on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
Dan Gilbert is a fucking lunatic. I called him off-putting on twitter once and he tried to get his followers to troll me, which went on for about a week.
Self-hate is disguised as venom spewed at strangers on twitter. Imagine waking up and being this invertebrate:Ryne DiPerna @partyalltheryne
All of this non-sense is ripped off from Erik Cribley, a comic out of Youngstown. This video is from 2011.
Surprisingly, a guy who punches people in the face for a living, turned out to be an asshole.
He does this after every homerun. It's going to be annoying seeing him do it eleven more times this season.
Laugh at my obscure reference!
The baffling cause de rigueur among local sports talk blowhards in Cleveland at the start of every season is championing an absurdly racist caricature of an entire race of people, to represent the city. It's embarrassing. Unfortunately, stupid is tough to reason with, but those of us who find the name/logo abhorrent…
Per League sources: I'm a grown man whose life's work is reporting on the minutiae of the NFL 3 weeks after the Super Bowl. Existence has no intrinsic value.
Yes it does make you a hack.
A) its not your joke.
B) you're the 90,000,000th person to post these videos anytime the city of Cleveland is mentioned in any context for the past 7 years.
Given that, why bother posting anything at all?
You dolt. Again, I was pointing out your hackery. Cleveland deserves all the shit it gets.
I could give a fuck. Shit on Cleveland all you want. This video is from 2007 and its tired.
I assure you, it's not.
Team ledger says 2013 season never happened. Cleveland to be renamed Haslemgrad, and further counter-front-office revolutionaries to be purged.
I don't understand?
For what it's worth, Bruce Hooley is a wannabe Glenn Beck blowhard.
It's going to be hard to find an SUV sized tube of Preparation H. Oh, wait. Forgot it's the mid-west. Shouldn't be a problem.
Behold. Now I am become Cleveland Browns, destroyer of Worlds.
Jesus. I mean, how far down the rabbit hole do you have be when good old fashioned auto-erotic asphyxiation isn't doing the trick any more.