
Yeah, I see this as being similar to devout Catholics having issues with people who wear rosaries as jewelry (as was hot in goth fashion in one point). I’d be perfectly okay with a Catholic bookstore turning away customers who came in wearing one as a necklace.

To me it seems similar to someone selling Rosaries saying they are not necklaces. I don't personally believe either are effective except as a placebo may be ... But what ever floats your boat and doesn't cause harm to others.

I agree except can you please not call it “odd”? That’s part of his point—neopagans have a tough enough time with people thinking our religion is goofy and weird. It’s not. It’s a real religion that means a lot to us, we are by no means a weird fringe of society, and we get tired of it being seen as strange and odd.

May all your severely traumatized outbursts be judged by strangers in the worst possible light. May everyone be smug at you in your hour of desperation. May your misery be repulsive to others and sympathy withheld due to your inability to be perfectly together in a desperate situation.

I had such a lady crush.

We did a networking training (I know, I know) at work that highlighted this personality type and it was a revelation for me. I’m the same as you- On when I’m On, and loving it, but it fucking wipes me out. The trainer (Devora Zack) explained that introvert/extrovert isn’t defined by how you act in crowds- it’s defined

More because he cracks me up

My personal preference is “please clap.”

awesome, keep it up! or quit if you want, whatever makes you happy!

I am a dirt microbiologist! Not a doctor mind you, but getting there. Thanks for yet another great read!

“The answer is complex. It involves enduring cultural norms, weird academic incentive structures, and institutionalized fears about the democratization of scholarship. It’s beyond the scope of this blog post, which I fear has already become a bit serious for Senior Week.”

Star this comment if you’ve ever fallen up the stairs. You’re not alone!

I work at a museum. I frequently joke that I’m going to take all the “Please Do Not Touch” signs that have visible finger prints and boot/shoe prints and turn it into an exhibit called “What Did I Just Say?!”

Aww man, I remember going to the Please Touch Museum as a kid. That museum was so dope.

If this is possible, anything is.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

Also, I’d really like to see the ninja hedge in live action. With the Netflix Daredevil show, it’s even relevant again.

Is that a van, down by the river, with a fat man living inside?

This is maybe my favourite collection of words in the English language:

Here is a picture of my dog being adorable. If it soothes anyone I will have done some good work because wtf.