Just curious, does he actually take an interest in your charts? Mine does (if roles were reversed I don’t think I’d care).
Just curious, does he actually take an interest in your charts? Mine does (if roles were reversed I don’t think I’d care).
There’s also no money in it for the pharmaceutical companies.
Given that you like this method I would recommend that you look deeper into NFP and see whether there are not other aspects you could incorporate. Like MrsLizard pointed in her reply to Amyranth fertility/cycle awareness are great things for any woman and even if you never use it NFP does teach you more about your…
This woman wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her in the ass...Oh, wait...I think it has. Worse yet it just might bite her in the pocket book. Oh well, nothing she can’t recover from, just speed up the production in the clinics. A few extra snips and crushing and every thing will be fine.
Because God help us if we ever got to digging into the other candidates of both parties.