
Is there a campaign where the prize is Felicity Jones? I’m, er, asking for a friend.

If the party is as funless as this crap, I guess I am.

Now Free Comic Book Day. that's a day to get behind and it's this Saturday!!!!

I grew up on Star Wars. I love Star Wars. And yet I still want to punch everyone in the face who supports this ‘May the Fourth’ nonsense. This and all the other pop culture cash in days (Towel Day, Alien Day, etc) just get on my nerves. [/GrouchyOldFart]

The writer also ignored that world wide, it is the highest grossing R rated movie ever currently (before adjusting for inflation). Regardless of the amount of money earned, that is pretty damn consequential alone.

This is also how I feel, and I can’t understand why. I should be entirely behind this, because if I were beautiful and even a little bit good at acting (I honestly have never seen her act in anything before), this is also what I would want for my parts. But this kind of whole-body eyeroll was my initial reaction, for

First Avenger is still my favorite Avengers movie. Winter Soldier was... just another Avengers movie. Not that that’s a bad thing.

“Taut” thriller.

What’s a taunt thriller?

It’s a shame about Agent Carter. I really enjoyed that show and I loved having a genre show set in a historical period. It deserved more attention than it got imho.

WTF ABC, what are they doing? The second season of Agent Carter was excellent, and a lot more fun than AoS (still watching).

And to write off Bobbi and Hunter for a second attempt at Most Wanted..somebody is doing something wrong at the network. I enjoyed Daredevil quite a bit, but also enjoy the lighter side that

yes. it’s kind of like the landlord who jacks the rent on a tenant, and they leave because they can’t afford the new rate, and then the property sits empty for months or years...

Dammit, I am really going to miss Agent Carter if it is cancelled.

I’m glad Atwell is getting noticed too but another legal procedural? It’s a little disappointing when genre television gets cleared out and the same medical/police/legal shows come in to fill the gap.

Over the course of the season, they should have used fifteen minutes at the end of their hour slot to run an intro/limited time series for Most Wanted to build a fan-base and prove the concept.

Agent Carter has been absolutely delightful and it will be such a shame if they cancel it. And when you consider that... what the hell else are they going to put on in the span of time that Agent Carter has been, why not just ride it out? Too many networks cancel a show that is at least moderately successful, only to

Propaganda at its finest. Write it, and they’ll believe it.

Why the fuck is this bullshit up again? Oh, because internet drama gives those site visits.

This girl encapsulates what is wrong with my generation.