
Fuck no, you are totally wrong. You can’t take someone’s right to their ideas because you think you can do better, nor is anyone entitled to more work from a company or creator. Imagine it from the other direction: “Yes, our billion dollar-grossing feature film was adapted from a fic we read online. Of course we

Has to be a slow day for Kat “RANTINGSOHARD” T. has to make a long piece about something something conspiration something.

Is this all because Gawker was bankrupted by white people?

^^^^^THIS!!!! Let accuse a company of racism based entirely on unsubstantiated rumors. HELL, we can even admit they are rumors and people won’t care. As long as we strike that nerve and get those sweet sweet internet outrage clicks.


Ben Kingsley was born Krishna Bhanji. His father was of Gujarati Indian descent.

I don’t think you really know what the word racism is. You are throwing it around an awful lot, but this is just casting choices and has little to do with racism. But I’m just watching Nick Fury in the Avenger Movies.

To be fair, none of this has been officially confirmed.

Do people in Japan complain about Godzilla movies not having enough white American characters?

Ugh. This story gave me cancer. It’s only an “Asian problem” for those social justice warriors like yourself that decide to make it an issue! For the rest of us, we just go see the damn movies and enjoy them.

Or, you can not assume the worst in people and just decide whether you not you want to watch the Marvel films on their merits.

These still look like College freshmen.


I would have been more interested in a series with them than Class, at least given the little we know so far. Class could, I’m afraid, end up as a slightly older skewing SJA. I hope I will be thoroughly surprised, though, and will enjoy the heck out of it. The Doctor Who universe is more than large enough to support a

I seriously wouldn’t have heard of this if it weren’t for you. Thanks, dude.

Curse my old eyes!!!

Oh dear the Professionally Offended Katherine moaning again.

Katharine...not again. It’s friggin book. Fiction book!

Why is this a problem? Native American folklore can’t also be tied to magical folklore? That seems like a fun cool idea to me...It actually make sense historically, since you know they were here first. . . .I mean s$^&t, what’s the answer? Not having anything that relates to Native Americans and just completely ignore