
I’m curious why in every article on this matter you are taking Axanar’s side. They screwed up, big time, when they started making a profit, earning a salary, building a studio, and selling branded merchandise all on Star Trek’s name. This stopped being a fan film when they became a for profit venture based strictly on

Thank God minorities have middle class white people to defend them.

Yeah, this is ridiculous. Churning out your thesis statement over a rumor? The insane SJW mentality that crippled Jez is now doing the same at io9. It seems like the only thing that gets full articles around here any more is manufactured outrage, with the exception of a few decent pieces by James. Everything else is a

Heaven help them if anything happens to that character.

I’m sensing a very narrow focus on articles by Alex.

This gets a full article, but something like the Delilah Dirk news gets relegated to Morning Spoilers? Methinks there might be priority issues ‘round these parts.

But I thought that we were told in a recent article that Rowling is a horrible, culture-appropriating hag. Those kids were probably just out oppressing people or naming things with cultural insensitivity. It’s not like Hogwarts attendance was mandatory prior to the Ministry takeover, after all. That left them plenty

This has to be a ‘pot meet kettle’ situation, considering some of the article titles on Giz/io9 of late.

So, basically, we need to find the monster who produced this fan art and stop them before they strike again. Gotcha.

She’s getting as bad as Alex.

This particular writer doesn’t seem to proofread anything.

Wasn’t Xena syndicated and not actually network television? I understand most of the same rules applied, but still. QC has been suffering lately.

Yeah, that was a pretty loaded choice of words. It sounds like the person who wrote that article was just a wee bit biased.

She is so try hard it’s painful.

This isn’t that big of a surprise. ABC let Shonda Rhimes pick the new network president and, rumor has it, Dungey is not a fan of the Marvel productions.

A jumpsuit and a scarf makes someone a badass? I don’t really see it.

He’s been trying to shape the narrative since the story first came out. He’s picked Rapp’s side and is now trying to martyr himself for having done so.

She wasn’t. Read something more than Klepek’s extremely slanted take on things.