
It’s almost funny how GM sites flip from claiming to be journalists or bloggers depending on which criticism they wish to avoid. You aren’t being harassed for ‘reporting’ on this issue, you’re taking crap because you picked a side, from the very beginning, and stuck by it regardless of the facts. Do you deserve to be

Says the person who thought getting drunk and annoying people at museums was a good idea. At least Kipling changed his views later in life.

By an “editor” no less. Yipes.

Ugh. Cara Delevingne. Not a fan. And are we OK with boob armor now? I thought the general consensus was that it was male gaze nonsense?

This writer is a perfect agent for the Gawkerfication of io9.

All this indignation from a person who thought it was a great idea to get drunk and annoy people at museums is laughable.

Someone should get Tracy Morgan to read those. It sounds like something Kimmel would do.

Perhaps someone else should start writing the Star Trek articles. I think maybe you need a little distance.

Whoa. Where did that come from?