I think that we all deserve an apology for that comment.
I think that we all deserve an apology for that comment.
“Whether it’s a whole team of Bastions...”
What is most frustrating is that the intersection of race and analytics could be an interesting piece that contrasts the emerging equality attained through the older system with a white-washed technology fetish. Instead, we were treated to a “and Black people watch sports like this” piece.
I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies…
The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?
Seriously? Good comedy is grounded in truth and springs organically from the created circumstances. This is neither truthful nor organic. I won’t spoil it for people who see this comment before the video, but the thing that happens could never, ever happen. And it is random and unconnected to what has come before. It…
Good to see they’re keeping it relevant. Parodying a 20 year old movie to comment on the current, um—wait, why does this exist? This is dumb and also garbage.
I couldn’t care less whether or not St. Louis loses. I do, however, mind reading these BS headlines. It’s not funny and it never was. It’s a waste of time. Consequently, it’s a waste of time for me to reply. I have a glimmer of hope that I am not in the minority and you will at least consider shutting up.
Yeah, pretty sure Teddy still wins this one.
He looks like the third Vaudevillain.
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
Could MLB handle a Gronk-type personality, or would Mt. Take explode, blocking out the sun with ash and leave us all for dead?
I have trouble feeling sorry for him. Not because the story isn’t sad and infuriating. I just have empathy issues.
Yes, because what corporate fat cat doesn’t want all the ratings gold of media market 43 in the NBA Finals instead of market No. 6, represented by a team that has meant big ratings all year and the reigning two-time MVP?
Yes it’s all a great conspiracy!
...former Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates...
Meanwhile, Simmons is thriving. Deadspin is just butt hurt and jealous. He’s a sports commentator. No shit he has hot takes. Deadspin has hot takes all the time. Way more people watch/listen/read Simmons than Deadspin. Just need to get over themselves and stop wasting time with these vanity jealousy posts.
The only thing as tired as Simmon’s routine are the Deadspin posts complaining about him.
There is some humor to the idea that Simmons’ schtick is tired on Deadspins 9846th post about how awful he supposedly is.