That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.
That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.
I called the clinic and the lovely woman that answered the phone pointed me to this website, for donations:
Hello friends!! I’m helping on this with a some grassroots organizing— we’ve got a FB page to mobilize for Foster Campbell — please join! Let’s grab that seat!!
As someone living in Utah, we are actively trying to change that. He, along with other elected reps, are some of the worst obstructionists at the federal and state level. It’s an uphill battle, but we’re trying.
Mike Pence probably watched one episode of House of Cards and thinks he can pull off that manoeuvre (he can’t!)
I’ve heard that Mike Pence is trying to do something like that. He’s kissing up to Donald’s fan base, but in all of his interviews he basically repudiates everything Donald has said by denying that he ever said it.
Memo to Jill Stein voters : Ditto.
I saw that on Rachel Maddow’s show about the guy who couldn’t get the hats and bumper stickers and thought it was weird. Then I saw the OTHER report about Fred Trump’s rental “policies” and I sort of died completely and crumpled onto the floor. Then I (somehow) saw the clip of Newt Gingrich claiming Megyn Kelly was…
I like Make America Great Britain Again
Fundraising requires actual work and adhering to a schedule. I can see why Trump’s attention faded several months ago.
It’s always been a con. When he loses the election he can declare bankruptcy and retire with all the campaign contributions and sell MAGA gear at MMA shows.
I ran the Detroit half-marathon Sunday. There were tons of spectators, many with signs, so I saw lots of variations on “Run like Trump is Trying to Grab Your Pussy.” Seeing one around mile 12 did help put a little pep in my step.
It’s actually much worse than that: 41 percent of *all* voters think the election could be stolen, according to a recent Politico poll. It’s 73 percent of Republicans and 17 percent of Democrats.
Man, I really hate it when I go to (website), and then I click on (link), and then I click on (other link), and then I click on (other link), and then I make some dumbass complaint about the website I was on three links ago. That’s it, I’m voting for Trump.
I’m voting for Trump to spite you.
You know who else was widely regarded as a teetotaler and was famous for his ability to operate on very little sleep but in actuality was hopped up on doctor prescribed opiates/narcotics most of the time while condemning others for their drug use?
I literally still can’t listen to the Dean scream because it still breaks my heart. TOO SOON.