
Some day they’ll release HD Skyward Sword, with the same motion controls it always had, except you’ll be using motion control technology from 2025 instead of the dinky, inaccurate, awful Wii Remote. Maybe they’ll spruce up the sky overworld a bit, fix one or two of the biggest complaints. And suddenly everyone will

Kill Bill is fucking great, but going full Death Proof might be more cathartic

When i though it was infested by another kind of Roach.....

I stopped hating Steve the instant he decided to hang around and fight the monster back in season one, by midway through season two he’s one of my favorite characters.

The idea, that seed of what the story and characters could have been is really interesting, but all that’s there is the idea. Unfortunately, it just feels like Ready at Dawn were ultimately more interested in making something technically spectacular rather than narratively engaging. Like I said, though, I don’t think

Yeah, for me at least it’s absolutely the portability and flexibility; not just the ability to take it places, but to use it while something else is on the screen, or just because handheld gaming is more comfortable. Far as I’m concerned, the versions lacking portability are the infertile versions — graphics are nice

I’m currently replaying Planescape: Torment for the first time in nearly 15 years. I adored it when it first released and have held it as one of my favorite isometric RPGs ever since.

You’re right, and I had forgotten how drab the opening areas of the game are. What really livens it up are the characters and dialogue,

I interned with the production designer during the 2nd season (it was a week-long shadowing type thing, so I didn’t do all that much) but they kept the cabinet in the art department office, always ready to be called into action! So glad it came back!

It feels weird to spend time writing a postmortem on such a small unwatched show. Especially one that I was really rooting for and occasionally frustrated by. But I’ve watched it from the beginning and feel invested enough to post about it now that’s it’s over for good.

“I don’t get why you would do a charcoal drawing when you can take a photo and use a photoshop filter to get the same effect.”

This is heartbreaking. I hate the narrative of “well why didn’t you just go to the police right when it happened?” that people always use to discredit accusers. There are SO MANY REASONS why someone doesn’t go ahead- fear, fucking PTSD and an inability to recount the events because of trauma, FEAR, isolation, no

Distinction without a difference as far as I’m concerned. It’s just a way for people to be pedantic and feel like they’re taking part in a discussion that they have nothing to contribute.

Like people who worship Fight Club - they don’t even get that the thing they love is mocking them.

I could *not* figure out those two contracts for the life of me. At some point I just tried to carry Alberto out of the bar, thinking “Well, heck, it’s kind of a wild bar, maybe they’ll just think he’s drunk.” For some reason no one aggroed—in retrospect it’s somehow possible I walked around the room in such a way no

The REAL problem is that the price of games has held steady at $60 despite inflation and the rising cost of game development. $60 is pretty expensive to begin with, so it’s hard to imagine that changing, but this is unsustainable!

I reject the bog standard average the majority of Christians I’ve encountered in my life hold themselves to and I’m praising Rob for being outspoken in upholding the true good tenants of the faith. I have other reasons for rejecting the religion but I will always praise someone who actually follows the teachings of

Reminds me of this post I see floating around occasionally.

She said that to indicate that she doesn’t CARE. She probably knows damn well what those cards are, but she’s letting us know she thinks younginz are stupid for liking them. xD

I love Sansa. I like Arya too. But I’ve thoughts for years, since originally reading the books, that if their situations were reversed that they’d both have died immediately. Sansa could not have lived in a ditch and murdered people. And Arya would have gotten herself killed on the first damn day by not keeping her

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever