
“Timothy Olyphant is so fucking hot in Santa Clarita Diet.”

Fly, yes. Land, no.

This wasn’t a person, just the NPC AI.

Remember when they made Aeon Flux into a live action movie? Hellova thing.

I just want to sit the haters down and be like, hey man, I’m sorry you feel left out because a lot of people enjoyed a thing that didn’t resonate with you. I understand; I didn’t like Mad Men. You not liking a thing doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any merit, it just means it isn’t up your alley. Thankfully, there are

Yes. He used to be Fabienne from Pulp Fiction.

Now playing

For a second this terrible game popped into my head:

I’m within a few months of Winona’s ago, and I very definitely recognize that face: Six beers and a massive bong hit into a metal show, circa 1987, right before you start throwing devil horns, headbanging in a way that fortysomething you *will* regret, and hooting, “WHOO! FUCK YEAH! LEMMY!” even though Motörhead isn’t

He was really good in The Stand, and it took the sting out of the multiple effed up casting choices.

Love bats. I live next to a nature reserve with a big lake. The only reason we aren’t swimming in mosquitoes every Summer is because we have a huge bat population. Every night you can watch them flying overhead eating thousands of those bugs.

I hope the Wii U version works cause I really don’t want to buy a $400 Zelda game.

boy, the japanese voice acting is good.

A sequel to this... I’ll take a sequel to this...


I have run out of ways to say “fuck you” to this past year.

“Same for The English Patient. I kept wondering when the hell the movie would be over.”

Am I the only one who has been disappointed by all the boss battles so far, in that I’ve done so damn many side quests by the time I got to Aranea, she was barely a challenge at all.

You know what’d be even cooler, Zelda Maker. Just imagine it, you could customize dungeon layouts, the overworld, hell maybe they could allow the player to build their own stories for the dungeons.

I think there’s a way to balance it out so they receive and they give. We try not to do excessive Christmases. They are getting a Lego set and a book and a stocking. But they also participate in a huge amount of giving - we help out at the food bank and the women’s shelter. Most of the focus of the month is on how we

No one dies but Trico gets beaten up pretty bad! The kid too...