
I always have to laugh at the type of response that amounts to “x group are crybabies that can’t handle shit” and meanwhile can’t see how ridiculous it is that they are so upset and aggrieved over the issue/ change themselves. So, you are a little crybaby bitch, too, right? Like if the name is such an unimportant,

Margaery :’(

I don’t think any moment in my gaming life has ever topped the first time playing Mario 64 as a wee lad for the first time. Maybe FF7 or OoT, but Mario felt absolutely revolutionary. And it was.

The prior SgtMaj USMC was asked about the ending of DADT and his response was basically “Get over it”. At least in my command we never gave a damn. Do your job, cover my six and boink who you want. Hell we lied to NIS (yes I am old) about a couple Marines who were involved in same sex relationships because it did not

You had one job, ONE JOB!
Beyond: Good & Evil 2

I’m just waiting for Yooka-laylee. I can’t wait for Playtonic (the New Rareware) to show us what they got.

Legitimately the only game I was looking forward to. Robot dog? Sold.

Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.

Somewhat related to the topic, when people ask if being gay is a choice, I say that the correct answer is “no it’s not”, but I think an even better answer is “so what if it was”? I just never understood why some people care so much about others being intimate with members of the same sex. Seriously, how does it affect

“I was an early cool-ade drinker of Playstation, but was brought over to the Xbox fairly early on.”

I love when women watch out for other women

August? Thats not too bad really. Hopefully its for the best and will mean a better game.

This ad is under the article about the Depp-Heard divorce (on my end anyway), and I find it extremely appropriate.

Different stories will resonate with different people, of course, but to me the idea of Nathan and Elena having a precocious daughter who wants to be just like her dad is way more interesting than any sort of father/son relationship they could have done.

It is the internet, people get pleasure out of trying to bring other people down. Rather than move on and shrug “This isn’t something I’d enjoy” such as say Barbie’s Horse Adventure (Yes I already preordered it, shut up don’t nag me!) people feel the need to let others with different opinions know they should feel bad

If I had to wager a guess, I’d say millions of impressionable teenagers spending five bucks or so for the same sort of game with different characters. But hey, clowns.

“real” Souls “players” just play the game and don’t worry about silly rules that dictate what’s “weak”or not.

Not lying, I yelled at my TV after what happened on the Americans. It probably needed to happen for the plot, there was no way to extricate her from the situation she was in, but god damn if they didn’t make that as heartbreaking as possible. That actress should be in way, way more things.

Dark Souls 3

I would if I felt it enhanced my eating experience. How I season my food is really nobody else's concern