
The game certainly has its moments, like Peebee’s one footed hop as she changes direction while running away from the death cloud in that first vault. That was a cinematic, though, which seem to be more solid than the in game, conversational stuff. It also showed up in one of the first trailers so it’s probably one of

Yup. One of my favorite things to do whenever Cerberus showed up was to have Liara lob a singularity into the side of their shuttles and follow it up with a warp, ejecting everyone out the sides.

So, Nier...I started playing last night. Got about forty minutes in, to the boss on the bridge, died, and had to start over from the beginning. I didn’t come across any save points, and I know Yoko Taro is known as something of a prankster, so am I missing something, or does this game really expect me to play through

Hopefully those animation improvements include conversations with Vanasha. She’s probably my favorite NPC in the game, but holy crap her lip syncing reminded me of watching old Godzilla movies on Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs as a kid. I’m sure other characters are worse, but I gave a crap about this one, so it

Going to try to wrap up the story in Horizon before Mass Effect comes out. Other than that, Zelda. Also looking forward to The Ringed City and the console release of Dreamfall Chapters.

The remaster is a lot of fun and the game play more than holds up. Add to that some decent writing and original voice acting, and it’s a veritable nostalgia bomb. Definitely check it out if you have the chance.

I’m toying around with Duck Tales Remastered and Rayman Legends, and yesterday I got invited to the Gwent closed beta, so I might check that out. Basically, I’m just taking it easy until I have to juggle Horizon and Zelda. I know I should just play one, finish it, and then play the other. But I want both! And then

Once while playing the Phantom Pain, I was trying to clear a camp and got spotted. About four or five guys started closing in on my position, and I was trapped up on a ledge with nothing but a tranq pistol and a tiny trail to get down (that was now clogged with four or five angry guys). Right when they were about to

Has anybody checked on Tim Turi? I mean, I know it’s a different game, but I can imagine him hearing ‘Cyberia 3' and being all...

Wrapping up Gravity Rush 2 and moving on to Hitman. Also, the Fire Emblem talk recently has given me the itch to give Fates another go, after putting it down last year because of the Twilight Princess remaster.

I love this game but I kind of agree. Over the years I started up the GC version maybe three or four times and never finished it (mostly due to the notorious triforce quest). It wasn’t until the Wii U version came out that I finally finished it, thanks not only to the streamlined triforce quest, but that magnificent

It’s even crazier when you realize that 2021 is only six years away from Human Revolution.

There was a lot of stuff wrong with that show, but Zelda was pretty badass in it.

It would certainly help sell me on the Switch, especially if the rumors of Beyond Good and Evil 2 exclusivity hold true (and assuming that game looks like it’ll be any good.)

I’d take that. Bayonetta 3 would also be acceptable.

Kind of glad there’s nothing I’m interested in until the end of February, when Horizon comes out. I just picked up Trails of Cold Steel 1 &2, and after playing the prologue last night I can tell it’s going to take a while, lol. It’s a slow burn. A reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeallllllllllllllly slow burn. But I like it so far.

I personally don’t consider cheesing something to be cheating, so much as it is cheap. But a lot of games themselves are pretty cheap, with things like one hit kill parting shots, excessive AoE spam or adds, or stun locking, so...fuck them. Fight fire with fire. Jump up on that ledge. Exploit those i-frames. Glitch

I had a couple of moments where the frame rate tanked (my PS4 is a couple of years old, now) but nothing that didn’t sort itself out after a few seconds and nothing that got in the way of combat or platforming. The main issue was so many contextual inputs being tied to the circle button. “Oh, you want to pull the head