
If I’ve learned anything reading discussions about this series’ bosses, it’s that no single boss is universally considered too difficult to handle. I didn’t think Pontiff was that bad easier, but the Watchers (considered by many I’ve talked to to be flashy but stupid easy), Dancer, and the Twins pushed me past the

The dlc is really good on its own, but I agree...having to play it as part of the main narrative really bogs it down. I really enjoyed the developer commentary and revamped boss fights, however.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought, “Why is there is a wizrobe in my Dark Souls?”

I think it was just announced that she was cast on ‘Tyrant’. But I agree, I hope she gets some recognition and her career takes off. That last scene with her actually took me by surprise in a way that Game of Thrones or Walking Dead or any of these other kill-happy shows have failed to do in a long time.

Dark Tower 7. The Crimson King gets taken out by a magic paint brush.

I can see how those elements may put someone off, but you have to consider Sam Lake’s source material. Alan Wake is very much inspired by Stephen King, and King’s novels often have some pretty goofy/over the top moments (the biggest bad in all King-dom, after all, is defeated in true Bugs Bunny fashion by a magic

Naw, so far it hasn’t been that bad. The only boss so far that gave me fits was the Capra Demon because I had trouble getting around him after that initial lunge once you step through the door, but once I figured that out it was over.

Finally jumped on the Dark Souls hype train. Just took out the Gaping Dragon and I’m on my way to Queelag. Not ashamed to say I’m an overleveled newb and double-handed halberd-ing the crap out of everything.

Aiden Pierce is so lame he doesn’t even crack the top twelve. Probably not even top 100.

Eh, I feel GTA makes up for the length though by offering up a fly through portions of the game world. Ballad of Gay Tony took it one step further by showing Luis, Johnny and Nico engaged in various missions from all three games. I’m a sucker for that kind of thing (Shadow of the Colossus did it too, as well as a few

If you ever play it again, do the non-lethal method. The fate awaiting the twins is definitely of the “worse than death” variety.

I see a lot of people talking about resetting their games if a character they like goes down, and while I’ve done my share of that, I propose an inbetween solution, sort of a gamble.

Different person. Voth would have been like ten years old when the original game came out. The original actress has kind of just...disappeared.

Now playing

This probably goes more in hand with what was written about the Zelda theme, in that it’s more evocative of the setting and the journey on which you are about to embark, but I don’t think any one who hears it can’t help but imagine the first time they heard it, watching as Shepard walks through the Normandy, past

Lol. Gendry’s gonna roll (row?) up in the last episode all like:

It’s doubly weird when you consider all the non-Suicide Squad Harley Quinn stuff coming out.

I’ve always thought it would be pretty funny if the only two people left standing after all is said and done are Podrick and Gilly.

Oh my God, the Brundlefly fatality would be a thing of disgusting beauty (I know this is from the sequel, but it’s so over the top I felt it would make for a better illustration)...

I never knew they had so much planned for this version of Lara...it sounds pretty ambitious. Shame it didn’t work out.

Damn, that’s a bummer. I wonder what’s worse...that, or me nearly achieving an S Rank pairing (which results in marriage) between Lucina and Owain in Fire Emblem before remembering they were cousins.