
No way they were going to wipe out the Mereen contingent. You have plot point Jorah, with his plot point Grayscale, so he’s safe until that plays out. You have Tyrion, who is literally the one character on TV that might actually cause viewers to riot if he dies in any way that smells of ‘shock value’ and isn’t in

I’m reminded of Splinter Cell: Double Agent...but for my money the Xbox/PS2 version was, for the most part, the better game.

For me, so much time passed between that E3 demo and Bioshock actually coming out that I’d forgotten everything but the broad strokes. When I got to to the bit in the actual game where Booker takes down the Zeppelin, or the bit where Elizabeth tries to get him to promise to kill her if it comes down to it, I was just

No worries, that’s cool. The game certainly has its issues (movement takes some getting used to, and the inventory’s kind of a nightmare...books and notes should’ve had a separate tab, I feel, and switching between tabs is laggy as hell, at least on PS4). Hope you enjoy it! I just finished the story tonight and it’s

In about 90 hours of game time, I’ve barely had any problems. A couple of hard crashes, some weird stuff with the sky box, and the typical texture loading were my biggest problems, and they didn’t really start happening until I was well into the game. Considering how big this game is, and the relatively small team and

Hell yeah, it’s worth it. Especially if you can get a used GOTY copy. Most places I’ve seen it have it for around or under $20. This is one of those games I wish I could play again for the first time.

Hell yeah! Who needs strategy when you can have spectacle!

I’ve been playing for about fifty five hours now...just now got to Skellige, and there was plenty left to do in and around Novigrad. Any RPG of this kind that follows is going to have to up its game considerably. The idea that side quests in RPGs rarely amount to more than “go here, kill/collect so much of that, come

Strange...after watching The Good The Bad and The Weird last night, and after watching I Saw the Devil a couple weeks back, had me thinking Lee might have some cross-over appeal. Then I see this article and realize he’s been in a few things I’ve already seen (also Lost Planet, but I haven’t played that since it came

Could it have been Tomb Raider: Underworld? Because now that you mention it, I seem to remember the swimming in that game being fairly decent. Which is fortunate, because there were entire levels in that game that were underwater.

Kind of, yeah. Swimming is the worst. But then, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a third-person game where the swimming controls weren’t hair pulling-ly god awful.

That could be one explanation, except I never use sleep mode, and I always close out to the main menu and close the game out before shutting down. Hmm...I suppose it’s possible I hit the wrong power option during a late night session or in a rush to get to work.

So, yesterday I noticed in one of the menus, the Player Stats tab. I clicked on it and it had my playtime as 4 days, 8 hours, and such and such minutes. I can honestly say I don’t think that’s accurate...I’ve been playing maybe 4-5 hours a day (broken up into two sessions) since last Wednesday, so I’m guessing my play

Unfortunately, no. I had to start all the way over. Didn’t really bother me much, because I kind of rushed through it the first time (I was playing DA: Inquisition at the same time, and treated FC4 as more of a diversion), so other than the main story I hadn’t completed much. If you’ve got a game save with a lot of

I recently replayed Far Cry 4 and turned off the entire HUD. It was a much better experience (although, throwing knives were a bit of a pain without a reticle). I did eventually turn in-world way points back on, though, because pausing the game to check the map every time I got assaulted by dholes and turned around

I suppose a lot depends on developer intentions and/or the individual playing/ whether or not it’s backed up by subsequent entries. Something like Lair of the Shadow Broker for ME2 is obviously canon, as it sets up stuff in ME3 even if you never played it. Something like the Lost Expeditions and Abstergo Lab in FC3,

There was DLC for Far Cry 3 called the Lost Expeditions that had Jason going into an Abstergo bunker.

Actor Patrick Kilpatrick

Roche is back!? Awesome. That guy was like Geralt’s very own Garrus Vakarian. Now, what about Saskia? She seemed like a really cool character who just disappeared (and yes, even though I took Roche’s path, I know the twist concerning her character. Can’t really remember how I found out, I think it was spoiled by an

Dammit. One of the first things I thought about when I heard about the setting was “Maybe we’ll get to meet Charles Dickens”. Now he’s confirmed, and he’s a damn pre-order bonus (not even, just a ‘friend of’).