
Heard about this series for years before finally picking up volume one. At first, I thought it was cool, but didn't get the praise heaped on it. He's running around with Constantine, gathering up scattered talismans, like a Zelda game? Scarecrow has a random cameo (that apparently was originally meant to be Joker)?

I've never gotten that impression. I think it may even say as much about them not being able to accept a dissenting opinion as you.

I wish I could tell you, but it would spoil the moment. And it's a pretty good moment.

Storyboard. Animated storyboard=animatic.

The way ratings boards come up with their ratings in general is nonsense (check out the documentary 'This Film is Not Yet Rated' for insight into the MPAA).

The main criticism I keep hearing has to do with pedants asking "how come he's got better tech if it's in the past". I can see how it would be a sticking point for some, but then I remember how much fun that tech was and stop caring about anachronisms. Gameplay trumps every thing IMO, even plot holes.

I really wish I could, but I no longer have it. I should amend that I don't blame the game for me getting stuck...that was completely my fault. I was an RPG virgin at the time and hadn't yet learned to "save early, save often". But I was pretty far into it, and didn't feel like starting over. Plus Windwaker had just

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Looks like a remake of "Ben X" (not to be confused with Ben 10). It's pretty good, and it's on Netflix streaming (or at least it was a couple months ago).

Agreed. Until Ni No Kuni came along, Lost Odyssey was the only JRPG I'd ever finished. Sure, I'd played a few over the years, but something always happened to make me lose interest. Either I got stuck and couldn't proceed (Skies of Arcadia) or the game overstayed its welcome (Star Ocean: The Last Hope...it was right

You should give it a shot. It's one of those shows that doesn't seem like it should work, and probably shouldn't work, but does thanks largely to the chemistry between the leads and the go for broke fun nature of it all.

May be a bit off topic, but does anyone here watch Justified? I'm curious what the opinion of the women on that show is.

I actually like Sansa as a character, but her sections in the first book were a slog.

In the case of Andrea, at least in the eyes of those of us familiar with the comic version of the character, much of our frustration came from the fact that they had an awesome foundation to work with, and a more than capable actress to play her, and they derailed it. That moment of derailment being the CDC storyline.

I love this steampunk stuff more than I really should, lol. I wish somebody would take it and make a movie or tv show (or a video game)...just go crazy and have fun with the concept. Get Neil Gaiman to write and Guillermo Del Toro to direct...I'm already sitting out front of the theater for tickets, refreshing the

It's true that CG has gotten better, but Treasure Planet came out not too long after and holds up a lot better. That said, it probably had a bigger budget, being a Disney movie and all, and it does have its share of intrusive "look, we're using CG!" moments.

I hope Jenny (?) is one of the returning characters. "Uh, Jenny...you're getting the crazy eyes again!"

That mission ticked me off so bad...took me an a friend a few tries to get it done, which we did by splitting up and hitting the cop cars and the riot van at the same time, then leap frogging the motorcycles and prison bus. One time, we actually ran out of explosives (and they only you give you two grenades up

I DL'd it when it was on PS+, and actually felt a bit guilty about not buying it, I liked it so much (not guilty enough to go out and actually buy it, though. Plus I'm sure Sony pays a nice fee to license PS+ titles). I would definitely buy a sequel though.

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It's a good game, and I highly recommend it, but you should know that after the first hour, once Lara gets a gun, the "inexperienced and vulnerable" aspects of the narrative get sabotaged by the actual game play. Lara kills a ridiculous number of people in this game.

If you hold the back button (on PS3, I'm assuming its the same on 360) there are options to change who you can hear over chat, as well as who can interact with your personal vehicle, what gestures your character makes, what clothes you are wearing, etc.