
You are refusing to allow her the benefit of reflection to reasses what actually happen To her. You were assaulted so only your experience counts as assault? You are unfucking believeable. And yeah Ive gotten blowback and Ive also gotten plenty of support too and even if nobody supported me here Im not going to agree

You seem to lack any understanding of what you are saying and how insanely contradictory it is so at least we make good bedfellows.

“Just because you are faith based doesn’t mean you have to check your faith at the door to participate in government programs.”

I dont know if you were paying attention to CPAC this week but you’d better be aware that women need to accept the consequences of drinking alcohol around men. I dont know what your MAN would do about the razor, but I do know if you had consumed alcohol it would be your fault because only women are responsible for the

Or she is seeing them in a different light. Did you read her recollection of being threatened with jail by the FBI? What was she going to say to anyone? Christ can you imagine if she did come out and say it was not totally consensual? After what Anita Hill just went through? She was a young nieve ADULT (happy:)?)

You seem insistent that Clintons form of coercion wasnt bad because it wasnt physical. So naturally you must feel the same way about Moores accusers. He didnt “make”them do anything right? So you must have lept to insult those women for not being “proper raped”. I just find your definiton of coercion needed to be

Its your split of women who are entied to empathy that I have an issue with. You have said it twice now. You make a clear distinction that women who are the victims of physical threats or violence are very different from those forced or coerced into sex by other means. I agree that violence is awful but to me, a man

I don’t know how to search for them so if you could link all your posts defending Roy Moore I’d appreciate it. I mean those women’s version of events has probably evolved as theyve aged and understood the past differently. Cant wait to read your defense of him!

She lost her internship in the aftermath so he clearly did hold influence over her. He took zero responsibility for it. Im only trying - badly- to point out that this article is written because she is seeing her past in a new light and you many others seem determined that She shouldnt have a #metoo voice. She was

Im not changing anything. Did you read the article or see her name and blow past reading to get your comments in. The point of the article is her reflecting back on that time and seeing things differently. The last line in her quote acknowledges that she sees herself as having had no power over her story once it

Honest question. How do you or I or anyone else really know about the level of coercion in their relationship? I dont think he ever “forced” anything but I also feel like he used the full power of his office to “persuade” her, or at least convince her of the okayness of it. And even if she was fully on board and just

They really are tramps for taking advantage of him like that.

Ahhh yes it is the womans job to maintain sexual morality I forgot that. Do you go full Pence and refuse to dine with married men as well?

He was/is a sexual predator dude acknowledge it. When you compare their age difference and their life/sexual experience he was a pros pro and she was barely an amateur. He found women like this and preyed on them. Her age doesnt change the imbalance of power in their relationship. Clinton is every bit as scummy as

Zombie barn. Never looked back.

. In the scope of sexual relationships to me ANY 22 yo of either gender or any race is a kid compared to their 55 year old Boss. You added the white part to the equation. If you want to view the article and Lewinskys comments through a racial lens that is your prerogative. If you are black and have had it with white

Calling something a strawman seems to be the “fake news” excuse for not defending a point.

Do you know who else didnt care how it affected his wife? Him! He gave teo shits about his wife and daughter but yeah lets take shots at the kid who got caught up in the game. Im sure 44 year old her is happy having to live everyday of her life knowing every person she meets thinks about the most public BJ in

So the Twenty two year old girl and the 56 year old POTUS are equally responsible for the pain HIS wife and daughter felt? So you also had no problem with trumps good people on both sides remark right? I mean the married most powerful man in the world and a single 22 year old intern are clearly equally at fault for

As long as you never criticize Trump then this is fine. Clinton and Trump got laid off the same power based dynamic. Trump is more outwardly crude about it but they have the exact same “movel when it comes to getting laid.