
I live in Park La Brea (gated apartment complex in LA) and have a hard time letting my 9yo go to dinosaur park by herself, honestly. But after reading this, I’m going to go home tonight and hug her and thank god the only you-tubers she follows bake cakes or play minecraft.

Do you think? Like, is Lil Tay’s existence entirely internet video based? Is it possible she has a totally normal home life and her parents have no idea? Oh my god, can you even imagine having a fourth grader, spending your five quiet minutes on the shitter scrolling Jezebel, and coming across your daughter as Lil

Shame on you, she was by all means a wonderful lady who preferred to picnic with her black nanny in the segregated south, lost a child and her parents over the course of a year, supported abortion rights, and said that homosexuality was a private and personal matter. She was respected by everyone and she constantly

It’s sad that she died and there will be lots of glowing articles about her in the coming days.

I know exactly how to stay monogamous in a partially long-distance relationship: Don’t become romantically involved with other people.

I’m still not sure the Mavericks get it.

I’d laugh if Jackson was drafted by the Pats at #31.

“They clearly have their eyes on one of the four quarterbacks at the top of most draft boards—Baker Mayfield, Sam Darnold, Josh Rosen, Josh Allen”

Proving, once and for all, Tristan Thompson is invisible.

*Trump sits down at table with the most most prestigious leaders of gaming studios in the world*

No that’s not a realistic solution. What will really end gun violence is if we get rid of violent video games, arm teachers, set up security checkpoints in front of every school, and get armed volunteers to patrol school grounds. It’s the only way.

You’re completely and utterly delusional for this comment.

No tweets! What is this, Canada? (Sorry!!!!)

except what happens when i get so drunk off of jane walker that i end up using my boyfriend’s razor?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!

Bill is obviously a sex addict and just can’t help himself around a consenting woman. Why are you dragging a man with a HORRIBLE psychological issue through the dirt?!?!?

After the the story broke, Tom Izzo announced that he would issue a statement on the matter on February 17th. February 17, 2032, to be exact.

Won’t someone think of the poor, inbred, dumb white supremacists?