As a parent of a child with Down Syndrome and an early childhood interventionist Please believe me that the person you thanked (Neurowhatever) is FOS.
As a parent of a child with Down Syndrome and an early childhood interventionist Please believe me that the person you thanked (Neurowhatever) is FOS.
This is bullshit. You have described the ideal life under Ideal circumstances. I adore my daughter, and I thank god for the lessons of compassion and patientshe has taught me. But I refuse to accept bullshit assholes like you who espouse this Rouseauing “noble savage” version of raising a child with Downs.
Can white supremacists retract all of the killings they have committed?
Im not comfortable with the government forcing people to have little humans and then passing laws to allow billion dollar imsurance and medical industries the right to refuse treating them.
As the parent of a child with Down Syndrome and as a professional in early childhood intervention I can say this with a clear conscience.