
I agree. At the last one I was at I yelled very loudly that we were just celebrating a meaningless distinction of a social construct.

This new trend just needs to full stop right away. Where is there for a society to go when this is being celebrated? If there’s a hill worth dying on, it’s this one: we must stop, at all costs, Cubs fans from procreating.

If he was any good at stopping things before they bust we wouldn’t be here, would we?

The real solution is stop doing gender reveal parties. I just read that some people have paid up to $25,000 for them. The whole concept is fucking stupid.

It’s amazing how clearly he is speaking despite wearing a mouth piece and getting punched in the head.

Thaaat’s it. There’s the jinx I was looking for. Thank you, Barry.


The same pendejos that put peas in guacamole.

Kevin Durant

“No adder no adder no adder...”

Just trying to rattle the pitcher.

I bet he was sssstealing sssignsss.

A Rafael Nadal post sure is an interesting place to assert that a sport has “no way to play defense.”

What is that bullshit? Dinosaurs and human silhouettes didn’t even exist at the same time, dude. 

Behold, a flock of dinosaur-sized turkeys!

Exactly why he cut the straps remains unclear.

really? again?

Rules to live by.