Spiderman, Non-Italian Imposter of Italian Spiderman.

Last I checked, they're giving it, along with it's launch barge, away for free.

Affordable, then.


I suppose faster, and better handling is always a plus, so it isn't too far a stretch to like a JCW version. I think it just seems especially odd because the car is a Juke-like thing which doesn't immediately spring to mind performance. But Nismo did the same thing with the Juke, so maybe this is a thing now.

The Metreon, in it's glory days, was a hell of a place to be.

I mean, I understand it was a big moment and all, but as a European, looking in from the outside, Americans seem to be dramatizing a lot. Right up to the level that they do D-Day.

I feel like you could make a descent game out of all the various alternate-history Hilter killing missions that have been everpresent in games.

Killing Bin Laden is slowly replacing D-Day as America's favorite war moment to revel in, and live over, and over.

I can see that wearing a Festiva badge stateside.


I hope the new owner will be a good sport, and give the dealer a descent amount. I'm sure the guy who made the listing will catch a lot of flak from his boss for both messing up, and not disputing it.

Of course he did.

Edited away.

I got one of these when they were still available from TomTom. Weeeee!

Yup. Either too similar to pass off as coincidence, or exactly the same.

I remember Nolan talking about being inspired about Paprika from Inception. Being a big Paprika fan, this was pretty exciting. But, Nolan copied scenes direct into his movie. That lowered him quite a few notches in my eyes.

I wouldn't mind that feature making a comeback, there were some good laughs to be had there.


Jem has always been a hard one for me to group in my trip-hop. Too happy sounding, I think.

Well, good trip-hop exists.