
bool isGay(person me, person he) {
    if (areSwordFighting(me, he)) {
        if (dickIsHard(he) && dickIsSoft(me)) {
            return false;
        } else if (dickIsHard(me) && dickIsSoft(he)) {
            return false;

I'm procrastinating writing a two-page analysis for a class. I come to AV Club, find an eight-page analysis of Muppet Babies. Should I be inspired or ashamed?

With rescue dragons you never know what you'll get.

Now, eunuchs; good soldiers. Loyal.

I know the one you mean! heheheheh

Do not taunt the Mako.

Agreed RE: Alliser. He's a prick, but he sincerely cares about guarding the Wall; more than can be said for most other Crows.

The aptness of your metaphor gives me boner-itis.

I'm sure glad South Park taught me what minge means before I saw this episode!

Where the fuck were you this episode??

Who badmouthed Lambs? Was it the great big fat person?

I bet I know the reason.

When my astronomy professor told me telescopes are pussy magnets I didn't believe him! Is my face red.

I was hoping, based on the events of Arkham City, that Riddler was to be the next main villain. I enjoyed his nerd rage tirades and bottomless condescension to his jock enemy Batman. He's also the only villain with a decent sense of humor (that's right, Joker, I said it).

Those Nords sure like their accent symbols over otherwise pronounceable letters, don't they?

At least when we do cut to Snow he's being publicly humiliated by his superiors. That ought to keep his pretty, dim-witted, bland arse in line!

I was a fool to question you.

Was Megan bitten by a radioactive Anne Hathaway ?

I'm glad the guy whose sweat my girlfriend would murder me to smell is finally getting his big break. I just can't get enough of hearing about this guy and all his success. Good for him. I hope it goes really well.

His reward for killing one ought to be getting to fuck the other two.