Kevin Garvey III

I thought I saw yellow eyes too

I totally thought that was Stan at first too but it is actually just another agent

“Did you get the part?”

Stephen Root’s reaction to that was one of the best parts of the episode

Thank you! It seems like that was missed by a lot of people - haven’t seen many reviews mention it even.

Yes! Headphones were the best choice. Also, thank you for being one of the first people to mention that final sequence with Future Syd. The way she kept morphing through time with the light was beautiful.

I’m not gonna lie, I have to agree. I’ve been a little disappointed with these reviews - they’re really just recaps, which is something I’ve never found to be a problem here on the AV club. If anything, I usually find some reviewers here to go too in-depth about possible metaphors and meanings and skip over talking

If you heard someone had been stabbed, would you tell them they should’ve just avoided the knife better?

As much as I appreciate the ending, which was beautifully done as Dory was led out by police, it was a bit unrealistic. Maybe the point of the detective pinning Fat Frankie is just for next season; Dory will be placed in custody just to find out that Fat Frankie is assumed guilty and she’ll be free to go.. but an

Where’s the evidence that they would’ve done anything for him to become principal? Their marriage has never been awesome and Lee has always kinda treated both of them like crap.. I mean they clearly didn’t just love him that much, and considering how easy it was to just divorce him and take everything, why would

Ray is way too awesome

Okay, so it’s definitely Abbott. I know it’s too obvious andhas been for a bit, but remember this isn’t a super dramatic show that is just too good to be telegraphing their twist this early. It’s a show about the characters, and hers is crazy. People coming up with other theories because they don’t want it to just

I’m always a bit late to the game here, not being able to watch right away on Saturdays, but kinja has made it even harder to join the conversation. I’m not sure I even understand how it works... But I thought I’d chip in because this comment section is a bit lacking..

One more thing: as contrived as the Littlefinger plot was, I was slightly caught by the twist (only because I had lost some faith in my initial hopes of the sisters ruse), and man, did Aidan Gillan nail that scene. He looked like he shit himself when Sansa said his band, after good double take, and his attempt to

I know I’m saying what others have already said, but man, this season was tough.

Couple questions:
How would Jon know that Gendry is "the fastest"..? I must've missed the just-for-fun race they had on the trip to Eastwatch.

I keep thinking about it

That's a very good question

Helena's babies' wound healed miraculously fast and freaked all the doctors out, remember? They definitely have the healing gene

I thought this was super obvious but everyone else seems to be questioning who her source is. They literally asked Ira to go to the island and I could've sworn they did the classic 'cut to his face' after S mentioned having an inside source.