
What gets me most of all is that this story was an official canon part of the ongoing Star Wars story, and kind of an important one. Did you think that holocron in Rise of Skywalker was weirdly out of nowhere? Well, that’s because you were too cheap to spend $5,000 on a two day vacation to find out how Rey got her

I very much appreciate Filoni leaning hard into the idea that the Jedi Council really sucked a lot of the time. I could do without quite so much of his inexplicable obsession with making Mace Windu a hypocritical, sanctimonious asshole who’s now even partly responsible for Dooku’s disillusionment with the Jedi, but I

George Miller’s entire career laid out honestly sounds like a joke. The man just seems to do whatever the hell he feels like in the moment with zero thought of whether he’s ever done anything like it before, even in comparison to other famous genre-fluid directors like Howard Hawks and George Cukor. And his still

Supposedly a bunch of Amazon execs were surprised that it was so much about the title character instead of any men, and asked if they could change that.

“Innocent until proven guilty” just means the jury should only vote guilty if they think there’s no reasonable doubt about it. Literally no one else in the world but those twelve people is under any obligation to consider it. And if anyone wants to argue this, I’ll just ask: did you wait until Harvey Weinstein was

Well, he’s been super supportive of JK Rowling this whole time. This is really just a lateral move.

The most likely theory I’ve heard is that they were hoping by the time their finances slipped into the red, they would have become so ubiquitous to the moviegoing audience that they could force movie theaters to pay them for their part in providing the tickets. Of course, that hadn’t yet happened by the time their

Gillian Anderson is another good one. Big surrealist concepts where you never entirely understand what’s going on, but you want to.

I’m still baffled that they skipped the third book, which has easily the most natural drama out of any of them.

Well, the second movie was just pretty darn clear that what they’re doing is bad.

Just speaking for myself, it’s a huge red flag that of the critics who’ve seen it, every single one with a positive review has felt the need to preface their thoughts with a philosophical debate about what the words “good” and “bad” mean and if anyone truly has the right to judge someone else’s work.

The best part is how incredibly obvious it is that the trailer’s ending was designed for when this was still called Sisterhood and they just never bothered to change it.

So...hearing a bunch of Defying Gravity wasn’t enough to clue you in?

Not gonna lie, it’s a little weird that a man is directing this, but Gillespie has been one of those filmmakers who doesn’t seem to know he’s allowed an occasional miss for a while now, so I can’t argue there.

The best thing about this show is that Galadriel is a very flawed character, way too confident in her own abilities and willing to risk others for her own vendettas, which we’ll presumably see her grow out of now that she’s had such a horrible wakeup call that the guy she trusted so much was actually Sauron. So of

All I ask is that at least a couple people besides Daemon be allowed to deliberately kill someone. Please tell me the entire Dance of the Dragons isn’t just the dragons killing everyone on their own while their riders chase after them, begging them to stop.

I never found Yellowstone that great. In fact, both its spinoffs are weirdly far superior.

The one that I absolutely insist people check out is The Intruder, with William Shatner as a charismatic right wing preacher who stirs up a small town’s racism to the boiling point. Making so secret what its message is, at a time when it was very risky to do, and one of the movies he was most proud of. Also his only

This guy was, no exaggeration at all, the most important figure in cinema in the last 70 years. The amount of future huge stars he gave their first break, not just the big directors and actors and so many other crew members, boggles the mind. And even in his last years he was very active on social media, giving

Some very important context to that clip of Tina writing her name: a few episodes later it’s revealed that she doesn’t really have a stutter and just wanted something that could be her “thing.” For which she gets a rather ironic chewing out by a paraplegic guy played by a non-paraplegic actor. So it makes perfect