
Word is also coming in that a ton of big names have cancelled their upcoming meetings with Warner Brothers. Turns out having a 50/50 chance of years of your life being arbitrarily snuffed out doesn’t make people want to work with you.

Blackberry is the best of what I guess you can now officially call a trend of product biopics. Mostly because it has the guts to go all the way through the eventual fall from grace, and the final visual signifier for them hitting rock bottom, which is perfectly built up throughout the whole movie, actually made me

I was fully expecting this to be a big thing about how the show was cancelled and it was another sign that the MCU is doomed, rather than obviously the endpoint they were working towards that they got to do as they wanted, so kudos for that.

Critics have hit The Marvels hard for burying its three engaging leads beneath a lot of general MCU business”

Remember that Final Fantasy movie that was a test run for animated actors that could be plugged into anything, except the movie gave us literally no reason to care about ever seeing this particular “actress” again, so nothing happened with it? I’m guessing that’s where this is going too.

One thing that really stands out is how much more enthusiastic the union statements are than after the 2007 strike. Very much speaks to them getting much more this time.

I always love to bring up that The Count of Monte Cristo, published in 1843, has a hugely sympathetic and likable gay couple who get a happy ending. So what was the problem of anyone else at the time that they couldn’t do that?

Still just pretending that Variety article is anything more than a bunch of unsourced gossip, huh?

They’re coming out on social media, and are mostly really good.

Easily the most amusing moment in retrospect is how it couldn’t be more obvious that the rock monster in the opening scene is supposed to be Korg, but since his name is never actually spoken, Taika was able to retcon him as just a random rock monster and recreate Korg as a cool character for himself. Also, the writer

Eccleston was furious that a lot of his work got cut out and left the character as a flat nothing, and still calls it one of the worst times of his career.

“Matt Walsh is not a creep in real life.” There’s something you don’t get to say very often.

Not that it really matters much in the grand scheme of things, but that plane crash was NOT the one in the pilot. It was the one halfway through the season where Homelander switches gears halfway through a rescue to killing everyone rather than leave witnesses to how he couldn’t save everyone. And the episode review

I’m loving the new bad faith argument that people won’t be able to understand that a character who was a kid in 1995 won’t be a kid anymore in 2023. They’re not even trying anymore.

They’ve been having lunch together out in public since the trial.

Elton John is still perfectly buddy buddy with Kevin Spacey, by the way.

Remember that period when a ton of idiots suspected this show didn’t actually exist, and the title was a cover for another show with a much bigger name? As if Kevin Feige would be stupid enough to announce a show about a Native American, deaf, AND one-legged superhero, and then say “You didn’t actually believe we’d do

I remain mystified at these legions of people you assume would be stampeding to watch this show after refusing to get into The Boys.

Are these strawman liberals who don’t get jokes in the room with us right now?

It’s promising that the only negative takes I’ve seen have been from people who don’t seem to know it’s a true story, complaining about Priscilla being a “weak character with no identity outside her relationship.”