
There was reportedly a serious effort to make Rollerball a real thing after that movie came out. Too bad whoever stopped that isn’t still around.

Robert Altman directed a TV movie adaptation in 1988, starring Jeff Daniels. That one’s pretty good.

He also played Not Putin in House of Cards.

And yet you insist on watching every single second of it instead of doing literally anything else with your life. It’s very much coming off as you just want to complain about things.

This is the guy who insists anyone with a different opinion than him is mentally ill.

Literally all the show has to do to be better than the movies is have the lightning thief actually be the lightning thief.

Remember when Disney was hoping if they just waited long enough, the various controversies of the Death on the Nile cast would die down enough that they could comfortably release it?

That laid back, friendly vibe is even more impressive when you learn that some serious bad blood popped up between some of the actors, and the third act had to be rewritten after certain pairings refused to work with each other anymore. Which is of course why some of the subplots seem to fizzle out with no closure,

She also defended Bill Cosby. Not exactly the first person you want in your corner.

I’m most concerned about For All Mankind. We’re now at the end of the jumbo multi-season renewal it got at the launch of Apple+, and going into its fourth season there’s still a dismaying lack of conversation about it.

The whole thing very much comes off as we the people saying “No” to the cynical attempt by the studios to pit the movies against each other (in particular WB trying to stick it to Nolan now that he refuses to ever work with them again) and it pretty much singlehandedly is giving me hope for humanity.

Knight as a sleazy drug lawyer in Narcos was a lovely surprise, and he absolutely kills it, bringing back some of the Newman energy in a more dramatic tone.

HBO did in fact announce the show was cancelled the moment the episode ended. Because why not be jerks when you can be jerks?

A lot of people on social media have refused to accept this win and insist on continuing to attack her, and guys, really just stop. What incentive is anyone ever going to have to reverse course from a bad decision like this again if it doesn’t change anything about their reputation? Let’s just focus on how Bill Maher

My favorite part is that every article about this has to call her a Sopranos star, because no one cares about anything she’s done since.

A little warning to anyone who’s interested in checking out the original book: it’s horribly dated with its portrayal of Elon Musk as an uber-badass who has genuinely invented all kinds of cyborg technology, some of it implanted in himself.

Since the article weirdly doesn’t mention anything about it: Willingham is a woman-hating far right asshole who was a huge industry insider for the Comicgate people, and Fables includes stuff like Snow White being forcibly impregnated by the Big Bad Wolf when they’re both drugged, who then refuses to let her have an

You’re not a lot of fun, are you?

So who’s the new voice of Blendin?

Word is that Scorsese originally wanted Dicaprio for Jesse Plemmons’ part, which he was much more age-appropriate for, but he begged for the more emotionally interesting guy who was in his 20s during these events.